Chapter 01

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Dear Journal,

I'm sorry that I haven't been writing to you lately. I got selected to Seoul National University. I moved from Busan to Seoul alone. I live in an apartment, with my friend, Choi Luna. It's been 2 months and it's already been hell. There is this weird boy who never lets me breathe! I can't even believe I am going through this! Did you ever knew when will my life get so complicated?

I will write to you again as soon as possible,

With Love,

Lee Jia Mee


I walked through the entrance of Seoul National University, praying for a good day. I am a med student, and my friend, Choi Luna, a business student. Luna, walking beside me, was talking about how she couldn't do her daily assignment and how her professor would probably hang her.

I laughed. ''I wonder how many he has murdered''.

Luna looked at me incredulously. ''It's not funny''. We were near our lockers. I opened mine and pulled out my text books. ''Maybe you should tell Tian how important your studies are'' I implied. Shi Tian was Luna's boyfriend and she have been spending lot of time with him. No wonder she couldn't finish her assignments.

''Aishh I don't know'' she said. I rolled my eyes and waved her good bye before heading to my classes. As I was just about to turn around the corner of the hallway, an annoyingly deep voice called my name;

''Yahh Lee Jia Mee!''. I pretended to ignore the voice and kept on walking, and I heard his voice again. ''YAH LEE JIA MEE!''.

I stopped and mentally counted to 10, calming myself. Not this again.

I turned. He was walking towards me, in expensive CELINE white shirt and trousers, hair intentionally messed up, hands in his pockets.

Kim Taehyung.

He stopped infront of me and smirked. ''Where's is my daily income of Lee Jia Mee won?''. He is so annoying. He has been taking money from me since last month, and still comes at me every morning before lessons.

''I don't have any'' I replied in a measured voice. I am not gonna give him anymore, annoyer.

He laughed quietly. Then before I could react he pushed me against the wall, and placed his hands beside me like a cage, trapping me. My head dumped against the wall painfully, making my eyes teary.

''Don't try to play with me girl'' Taehyung said. ''Give me some money, and I'll leave''

I am still not going to give him the satisfaction. ''Let – me – go – you – bastard''

''Let you go? Fine. Sorry then'' and pushed me again harder and he left. My head felt like it's gonna knock itself out. Damn it.


15 minutes left ...

To my unholy karma, Taehyung is also a med student, and also comes to every class I attend. He was sitting 3 tables away from my right. He always acts as if he pay attention in class, and somehow give in all assignments. I wonder how many others he bullies to get his homework done.

He has this gang of friends, 3 med, 2 business, and 1 arts. They all hang out together whenever they can, and seem inseparable, and to be honest with, every one of them isn't like Taehyung.

My classmates were Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi.

We all were doing a 30 minutes quiz about Medicine Science, and I'm almost done.

10 more minutes ... 5 minutes ...

Mrs.Hwang collected the papers as the bell rang, announcing class dismissal. ''Students, before the class ends, I have something to tell'' she continued. ''We have already spend 2 months from the entire semester and we are advised to test your knowledge. You all will be separated into groups of two and hand in a simple project about what we have done so far within the next 3 days''

Everyone shared a mutter of agreement.

''So the pairs I have selected are ...'' she kept on reading names while everyone shared glances at their partner as the names were read. ''Park Jimin and Jeon Somi, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok and lastly Lee Jia Mee and Kim Taehyung''

My eyes widened in shock. Kim Taehyung? My partner? For the entire semester? I looked at Taehyung, who was, surprisingly, had a face of shock.

''Mrs. Hwang? Did you just say Lee Jia Mee is my partner?'' He asked, his deep voice sending chills through me.

''Yes, Taehyung''

His eyes caught mine and he looked away as if he rather die than working with me. And I wished the same.

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