Chapter 14

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The last lesson seems to drag itself for a century and I couldn't focus either. That terrible fight keeps replaying on my head for whatever reason. I was brought back to reality when a paper ball hits my head.

I turned to see Jimin looking at me. He motioned to the paper ball on the floor and mouthed to read it. Mrs.Hwang was writing on the board so I took the chance.


Jin hyung told all of us to meet him as soon as school's over. I know you are not related to any of this shit but apart from us, Taehyung trusts you a lot. We all want to make sure he is fine. Will you be able to see whether he is all right after his detention finishes at 3? Pls.

''Taehyung trusts you a lot'' I inhaled deeply at those words. I turned and gave Jimin a thumbs up and he signed in relief.

When class was over, I thought of waiting before sneaking up to the detention room so I busied myself at the library. Around 2 pm I casually walked near the detention room as if I am just walking by, and when the coast was clear, I sneaked inside.

Inside the room, a fan lazily spins around and around, not even giving proper wind power. Taehyung was there at the far end of the room, resting his head on the table.

As I neared I saw he was sleeping, breathing heavily and one of his hands is sprawled upon a paper he have been writing on. I took the piece of paper slowly and read what he has written.

Where is my angel?

The end of a tiring day

Someone come and save me, please

Is overshadowed by a sigh

I guess everyone's happy

Can you look at me? 'Cause I am blue and grey

The tears reflected in the mirror mean

My colors hid in the smile, blue and grey

I reread what I just read and my heart swells up with feelings. Did Taehyung write this? Omo.

I shook my head and placed the paper back on the table.

''Taehyung?'' I say. No response.

''Taehyung-ahh? V –ahh? Hello?'' He didn't even stir. I panicked a bit. I shook his shoulder hard. ''Taehyung!''

''ye'' he mumbles, his eyes still closed.

Relief washed over and I sat beside him. ''How are you feeling?'' I asked him. He didn't respond but he sat up a bit, sighing. I placed my hand over his forehead. It was burning hot.

''Yah Taehyung you are hell sick! Why didn't you tell anyone?''

He looked at me with an expressionless face. ''No one asked''

I frowned. ''Yah Taehyung!'' but his eyes are already half closed, falling asleep again.

This is bad. He can't even sit straight and he needs rest, I know he is weak.

I pat his shoulder and his eyes flutter open a bit. ''You should get home now'' I say.

He inclined his head to a side and bit his lower lip. ''Why do you care?''

I just rolled my eyes and with that I called up a cab which will arrive in 5 minutes.

''Yah now get up'' I say but Taehyung just kept silent. He looked at me as if he was not sure I'm here.

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