'' In the bottom of my heart lies a secret which I have never told a soul in the world. There is an image of this person who is dearest to me and closer than anything else. You are my secret. My beautiful little secret'' Warning: Strong language and...
''Aren't you going to ask anything?'' Taehyung finally said.
''About what?''
''Like ... don't you wanna know what's happening here?''
I sighed. ''I thought I shouldn't ask. It's your choice to tell me ...or not''
Taehyung gave a little laugh. ''Should I tell you? Or not?''
I slapped myself in the face with my hand. ''You are – ''
''Okay okay ...so umm'' Taehyung looked at me with a sideways smile. ''All of this is my fault, as you already know''
I rolled my eyes.
''So ...that guy is – well, a drug bastard –''
''Drug bastard?'' I asked incredulously. That man with expensive leather black clothing a drug dealer?
Taehyung shook his head. ''Not a one who just sells and gain money. He MAKES them''
''So what does he has to do with YOU? Is that Kangdo guy gonna take you as his drug boyfriend or something –''
''Jia Mee! Nothing like that! He needs a permanent company to export drugs and make them without any suspicions ...and that's where I come ...well, my whole family I should say''
I raised my eyebrows ''How?''
''My father owns a medicine company. One in Daegu, and this one'' He gestured the surrounding. ''He was after my father since a long time ago, and somehow Kangdo got control of the Daegu company.''
Taehyung sighed. ''My father moved me to Seoul before they could threaten me, cause I own the company after my father. But ... then they captured Jin. He has the right for the ownership in the company same as I do''
''They threatened my father saying they will KILL JIN if he don't hand over the Seoul company. So my dad did it, but dad told me to stay out of it. I did as he told me to. They kept Jin to supervise the delivering and exporting of drugs and all, since Jin is expert on that stuff''
I was bewildered. ''Why your company? And why can't you call the police –''
''There is no use. They will kill my whole family if I ever do that. And this place makes medicine. It's the easiest way to do drug business without getting caught''
I gulped. ''Then why should they captured you? And ...me too ...''
''They need me. I am a med student and also a rightful owner to the company. They COULD get caught if I don't help them. I can't let that happen. I can't help them. I promised my dad I will stay out of it''
''They threatened me for weeks. Tracking me, so sometimes I never left my house. Blackmailing. Everything they could. I did my best trying not to get caught. I even created fights with my friends so they won't get hurt because of me''
''Everyone knows I'm in danger, Jimin and the others. They tried to help. I rejected. I ignored them too but –''
Taehyung looked at me. ''I could never leave you. And you never left me either''
I blushed. ''Taehyung –''
''Those bastards did everything they could to me after kidnapping me. Starved me. Beat me up. Let me pass out like I'm some kind of toy ...But none of those made me help them. I can't Jia Mee. I just ...can't''
He shook his head. ''Then they brought you here, thinking that bringing you could change my mind. And ...they did'' Taehyung gave me a weak smile. ''I can't let them hurt you''
I was silent for a long time. Time seemed to stop, my mind hushing trough many thoughts.
''I feel so sorry for you. This is so unfair for you –''
''It's fine''
''It's not! How can you just let them hurt you?'' I exclaimed at Taehyung.
''I deserve this. Well. That's what I say to myself'' He said and scratched his nose with his white sleeve. It came out red.
My eyes widened. ''Taehyung – you have a nosebleed''
Taehyung quickly covered it with his sleeve. 'It's nothing really –''
''Shut up, let me see it''. I slapped away his hand. Blood was running down from his nose like a river.
''This isn't a good sign you know? Nosebleeds can get worse –'' I took off my thin sweater. Beneath it I was wearing a plain light pink t –shirt.
I heard Taehyung exclaim. ''What the hell you are doing?!''
I rolled my eyes. ''Don't be a pervert. I ain't giving you the pleasure of seeing me half naked''
Even in the low light, Taehyung's blushing cheeks could be seen like a tomato in a salad. ''Yah Jia Mee!'
I tore my sweater into small pieces. I took one and folded it like a serviette.
''So now'' I patted my lap. ''You need to lie down so I can clean off the wound''
Taehyung's eyes grew wider. ''You want me to do WHAT?''
''Stop being incredulous all the time, now lie down''
Taehyung slowly settled on my lap. He looked up at me and smiled. I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling. I took the cloth and started cleaning the nosebleed.
The cloth got slippery with blood. I grimaced. He was bleeding too much. Gladly after another 2 more tries the blood stopped running. I didn't look at Taehyung in the eyes, too excited and too afraid to look at him.
Taehyung drifted off to a daze and I sighed heavily. I caressed his hair, the gentle touches making me feel sad for Taehyung.
The way Taehyung has suffered because of some drug addcits ...I wondered how many days he had to starve, get beaten up, pass out without no one to look for him.
''You must be hungry Tae'' I whispered just to express what I was thinking.
''Tae?'' murmured Taehyung.
I gasped a little. ''You're were awake?''
''I heard you. Does that mean I'm awake?'' He still had eyes close, his eyelashes touching his cheekbones.
''Oh god, you're unbelievable''
''No, you are Jia-ahh. Did you just call me Tae?''
''No, I said Tea. Not Tae'' I said trying not to laugh. ''and why on earth you have to remember everything I say?''
But there was no response. Taehyung was asleep, his chest rising and falling in rhythm. Seeing him like this ...I remembered ...
Taehyung sitting on the couch beside me when I was drunk, Taehyung sleeping on my shoulder, hugging me. Taehyung sleeping, hugging his pillow like a cute little bear. Taehyung sleeping on the couch, his scent overwhelming me. And now ...
Taehyung sleeping on my lap, starved, beaten up and covered in bruises.
I felt tears sting my eyes. I can't lose him. No, never. I won't ever let him go. I ...want him.
''Angel ...please help us ...protect Taehyung. I'll give him my life for him''
A/N: We would give our lives too ...
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