'' In the bottom of my heart lies a secret which I have never told a soul in the world. There is an image of this person who is dearest to me and closer than anything else. You are my secret. My beautiful little secret'' Warning: Strong language and...
I open my eyes into darkness. I'm walking down a pavement. No, not walking. My legs dangle. I'm cradled in someone's arms. Someone who smells yummy: like perfume and mint.
''Where's Luna?'' I stir, panicked. I remember the nightclub, dancing with Jin ...
''Hey, Take it easy, it's me''
I groan. My head pounds like dragon drums. I become aware of the regular pulse of his heart against my cheek.
"Let me go you bastard." I struggle, pushing against his arms.
But when my feet touch ground, the world spins. Taehyung's arm goes under my knees again and he lifts me as if I weigh no more than a pillow.
He chuckles, his voice soft and furry in the darkness. "If you're going to drink, you need to set limits. Didn't anyone ever tell you?"
"Nobody's told me anything about anything," I say, then another wave of shadows crashes down.
I wake up on a comfy sofa. The lights were dim and moonlight slants through high windows. I slowly sat up, the headache was still there, but bearable.
Taehyung's face appeared before me, his hand pressing a glass of water towards mine. ''Drink this, it'll help''
''Where am I?'' I asked out of curiosity. He gave me a little boxy smile. ''My home of course'' he said.
No way had he just carried me here all the way here from the club. I felt sick to the gut. This was like a drunk date, when it wasn't even a date! I moaned.
Taehyung gripped my shoulder. ''Are you hurt?''
''I sprained my dignity'' I answered. He loosed his grip and was silent for a moment, and he laughed, for so long I thought he was drunk than I am.
Finally he says ''Where on earth do you learn to dance like that?''
So he was watching me while I danced. ''I have no idea'' I mumbled. My head still hurts, my eyes still a little blurry.
''Does your head hurts?'' he asked. I nodded slowly. He stood up and went to another room, which I thought was the kitchen.
He returned with some painkiller pills and a new glass of water. He was still wearing the shiny red-gold shirt. It showed the shape of his body - broad and slender.
''Here'' He handed me the pills. I felt a little guilty. He was taking caring of me, I didn't know why. I had scolded him, sweared at him, and still he takes care of me, a drunk pathetic girl.
''I'm sorry about earlier today'' he said as if he read my mind. ''I really am sorry for everything I did''
My heart broke at his words. This was not the sarcastic, bully-minded, annoying Taehyung I know of but a charming, sweet and caring person. I smiled against all emotions.
''It's fine Taehyung''
I wake up again around 9 in the morning. I am never going to drink again. I thought.
I was still in my black dress and I hear spoons and knifes ringing together in the kitchen. I didn't know what I do. Should I leave without telling? Or should I stay little longer and go?
I tied up my hair into a messy bun and glanced around the living room, unable to help myself. There was huge LED TV with game consolers, DVD pieces and the sofa I'm lying on was a part of a whole huge set.
Everywhere I looked was gold and white and the living room open up to an interior courtyard. I heard footsteps and Taehyung appeared with a breakfast tray. He was wearing harem pants with a plain white t shirt, and hair looked wet and messy.
''Good morning sleeping head'' he said as he kept the food tray on the low table in front of me. ''A small hangover''
''Thanks'' I said and asked a question which was eating at me. ''Taehyung, do you live here alone?''
He gave a look of hesitation but answered. ''Yeah, I live alone, my parents live in Daegu''
''Oh ...''. I didn't ask further. There was silence.
''Can I leave?. I couldn't stay here. I have to go. Staying at Taehyung's house overnight had already made me nervous enough.
He was expressionless at my question. Then he shrugged. ''I dunno, your choice. You can either leave or wander around my house all day''
I raised an eyebrow. ''Would you really like that?''
''Maybe?'' I asked incredulously.
''Yes, maybe''
I rolled my eyes. He can't be serious. I stood up to leave and waited for a wave of dizziness. Nothing happened. Finally.
''Thank you Taehyung, I owe you''
He just shrugged and sat down on the couch, taking my breakfast tray. ''Fine'' and started eating.
I chuckled and left, closing the huge double doors behind me shut.
''YAH I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU! HOW CAN YOU JUST LEAVE!'' Luna was practically screaming.
I took my phone a bit away from my ear. ''I passed out, how on earth can I call you?''
I was glad to find my phone still in my dress pocket and I was still outside Taehyung's house. I called Luna as soon I can, so she can pick me up with a cab since I didn't have any cash to pay right now.
''YOU COULD HAVE JUST CALLED ME ... I CAN'T BELIVE TAEHYUNG JUST KIDNAPPED YOU! And to be honest I am thankful for that idiot for once for taking care of you BUT STILL –'' I hear her sign.
''Yah Luna can you come and pick me up ...''
''No need for her to come, I'll drop you off'' I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see Taehyung coming down the path with a key in his hand.
I ignored him. How can he keep doing everything? ''Yah Luna please come quick ...'' Taehyung snatched my phone and ended the call.
He raised his eyebrows. ''I said I can drop you off''
''But I won't let you''
He coughed. ''I won't listen to you''.
''Taehyung you are so ...''
''Annoying, I know'' He smiled again.
I rolled my eyes and looked away. ''Fine then''
Hope you enjoyed? i dunno if it's good LOL
Love u guys!
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