'' In the bottom of my heart lies a secret which I have never told a soul in the world. There is an image of this person who is dearest to me and closer than anything else. You are my secret. My beautiful little secret'' Warning: Strong language and...
I squinted my eyes against the sun light which is coming trough high windows. I raised my head and almost yelped as a twinge shot trough my stiff neck. I have fallen asleep against the arm of the sofa.
Taehyung was still sleeping, cuddled in his quilt. His lips were slightly parted, the sunlight illuminating half of his face. His long eyelashes looked like as if made of gold, giving his appearance an angelic touch.
I gulped remembering everything that happened last night. ''You are my secret, my beautiful little secret'' he has said.
I shuddered at the words, not knowing how to feel. I tied my hair into a messy bun and thought of cooking a hangover for Taehyung.
Before cooking I cleaned the broken pieces of glass. I set the broken portrait back in place and went into the kitchen.
First I thought of making an orange juice, which is good for hangovers.
I went back into the living room, placed the orange juice on the low table and thought of waking Taehyung. It's 9 am in the morning, he have been sleeping of more than 12 hours!
''Taehyung, wake up!'' I said loudly. He was still sleeping like a zombie. I tapped at his temples. ''Mr. Kim Taehyung? Will you wake up?'' He didn't even stir. I panicked a bit.
I reached out and opened one of his eyelids, checking his eye. ''Is he dead or s –'' I started but just then Taehyung sat up, bumping our heads with each other.
Taehyung flopped back to the sofa, groaning with pain. ''Ahhh – my head''
Then he squinted his eyes and looked up at me. ''Jia Mee? How come you are here?''
I rubbed at my forehead. It hurts. ''You texted me. Remember?''
His sleepy eyes widened. ''No, I didn't''.
I took my phone out and showed him the message. ''Seeeeee'' I said. He slapped my phone away. ''I can't see, my head is about to burst'' he said clutching his head.
I sighed a sat on the edge of the couch and tried to get him in a sitting position. I supported his head with my arm, taking the glass of orange juice to his lips with the other. I am aware that my heart is beating thousand miles being this close to him, but he needs to be taken care off.
Taehyung seems too sleepy to concern about anything. After he drank everything, he laid on the sofa again, his eyes squeezed shut.
He is drunk more than I was that night ...must be painful. Taehyung seemed to drift off to sleep again, so I left him in peace.
Now it's time to get this boy some energy ..... with some cooking.
I thought of making many dishes, because I didn't know what he would like to eat after being drunk like a mad man. It seems like he didn't remember what happened last night, or maybe he can be pretending. I will have to find out.
Why would I care if he remembers it or not? Maybe I do care? Oh whatever.
''What on earth are you doing?''
I yelped in surprise, scalding my hand with the hot pan. ''God damn it''. I blew on the injury, trying to cool it off. I looked towards the kitchen door.
Taehyung was leaning against it with an raised eyebrow. ''Are you that clumsy?'' he asked in husky rough voice.
I frowned. ''The world will be in fire if a clumsy person is allowed to cook''
I wrapped my injured hand with a soft cloth I found and returned to cooking. I saw Taehyung take something from one of the pantry cupboards.
''Give me your hand'' he said, coming closer to me.
''For what?'' I asked. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. He took off the cloth, securing my injury with a plaster.
''Thanks'' I muttered, not looking at him. I heard him laugh. He left the kitchen, probably going upstairs for a shower.
I sighed heavily. Calm down calm down Jia Mee, calm down.
yes she better calm down ...;)
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