'' In the bottom of my heart lies a secret which I have never told a soul in the world. There is an image of this person who is dearest to me and closer than anything else. You are my secret. My beautiful little secret'' Warning: Strong language and...
''Urg exams ...'' Luna said as she fixed her already perfect hair when entering the university.
I laughed. ''At least you can enjoy time after it's over''
''Yeah, hopefully'' she muttered.
Luna met Tian on the way, and I had to go to my locker alone. I saw Taehyung a bit far from my one, who was busy talking with Jimin. He had his poker face on and Jimin was nodding to whatever Taehyung was saying.
I should thank him, I thought. I took a deep breath and went towards him.
''Hey'' I say in a little voice.
Taehyung turned to look at me, a little smile lighting up his face. Jimin waved a hi and gave a later man slap to Taehyung and went away.
''Hey Jia-ahh'' Taehyung eyes trailed to my neckline, where my necklace was. His eyes widened a bit, a low whistle escaping his lips.
''Wow'' he said.
''What do you mean by wow?''
He shrugged. ''I didn't expect you to wear it you know?''
We both started heading towards class. ''What else you expect me to do? Hang it on a statue and say 'Oh mighty gift'?''
''Oh my god'' Taehyung said with a laugh. ''That's hilarious''
''Well, I love it very much, Thanks Taehyung''
''I'm glad that you like it'' he said with a wink and went inside the classroom.
I bit my inner cheek trying not smile. In my heart, butterflies are fluttering like crazy.
Mrs.Hwang entered the class, with a welcoming expression.
''It's great to have you all back! As you know, we have decided to start your exams tomorrow and I hope you all got plenty of revision throughout the last two weeks.''
The students nodded and some muttered in agreement.
''So, here are your timetables'' and she handed them out. It was just in two days. Two subjects per day. One in morning and one afternoon.
''This will be the test which would determine how you all face the end year examination, which is, a very important test'' Mrs.Hwang sighed. ''Do your best students! Your future is in your hands and now let's begin discussing ...''
The whole school day went with discussing the papers we did and student happily chattering with each other after the small vacation. At lunch, Tian and Luna joined me and their expressions where grim.
I raised an eyebrow at them. ''You both drank some sober wine or something?''
Luna shook her head. ''Aniya ... we both are just very sad because ...'' she didn't complete the sentence.
Luna pouted. ''This pabo broke my wrist watch trying to get me here sooner telling his was hungry!'' She smacked Tian's arm hard. ''And I'm angry Tian!'' she shouted.
I sighed. These kids ...
''Sorry girl'' he said with a small smile. ''I'll buy you one, don't worry''
Luna gaped at him. ''NOOOO that's not what I meant!'' she came closer until hers and Tian's foreheads touched. ''Love me harder'' Luna whispered.
I almost choked on my food. ''Yah LUNA! PDA!''
She laughed a little ''Sorry''
After lunch break we had Liberal Arts and Mr.Byun was revising what we did until now. I glanced a look at Taehyung.
He was playing with his hands, lost in his own world. His black bangs fell over his beautiful eyes in the most ethereal way. Not to mention he was wearing an oversized white shirt, making him look like an angel.
I looked away before he could catch me staring at him, willing myself to pay attention to class.
Stop thinking about him. I said in my mind. Focus on exams, not him. Focus Jia Mee.
The lessons were finally over and I sighed deeply, letting go of my tiredness.
Going to studying right away after getting home seemed stressful. But I should, since its exam tomorrow.
Luna wandered off with Tian to a study group, saying it will help her to focus more. I just sighed and stepped down the stairs. Just I was about to go through the main gate, I heard HIM.
''Hey Jia-ahh, Wait up!'' said Taehyung and sauntered beside me, his face calm and unbothered as usual.
''Wanna study together?'' he asked casually.
I almost tripped with surprise. ''For the whole evening?''
He nodded.
I gulped. ''Uhh-''
''And for a change, let's study at your apartment'' Taehyung added.
''Yah Kim Taehyung!'' I asked in more surprise.
''What? It's not like we haven't studied together. Besides, I think it will help to catch up with everything sooner''
I nodded hesitantly. ''Okay then''
''And is it fine if I buy something to eat while we study on the way, pls?'' He asked in a pleading way.
I slapped myself.
For heaven's sake this boy ...
Well ...hello there!
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