Chapter 06

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''Oh come on Jia Mee! We are already late! Tian must be waiting!'' Luna said as she pulled on a high heel.

''Yah I'm almost done'' I said as I secured my earing.

Luna didn't let me breathe until I was looking hot enough, in her point of view. I had some fishnets and pulled my dress over it. The dress was the perfect fit. It showed off my collar bone and it was not too long or short. I had my hair down and Luna sprinkled a bit of silver glitter in it.

She gave me a silver necklace with a pearl and I had a matching small pair of earrings. She showered me with powder, perfume and gave me a blood red lipstick.

''Luna, I'm just going to have some fun time, not a wedding''

''Style is everything darling'' she had said.

True enough, Tian was outside our apartment with a cab. Tian was wearing a dark blue shirt and trousers, his bangs combed to the side.

Luna eyes were moon circles. '' Tian dear, you look so handsome''

He bowed and opened the cab door, gesturing us inside. ''At your service ladies''

Luna and I both laughed and got into the car while Tian sat in the passenger seat in front. The nightclub, as Luna said, was just a 10 minute ride from our apartment and it was not much popular, but good enough.

The nightclub was all smoke and rays of colorful lights and from inside, pop music blared. I got off the car as I saw many familiar faces of first years walking by.

''Wow, you weren't joking Luna, seems like everyone has come'' I said in excitement. Luna has locked her hands with Tian and she was smiling like an idiot.

''Yeeeeeet I'm so excited!'' she screamed.

''Babe, are you already drunk?'' Tian asked amusedly.

I smiled at them but it instantly vanished as I saw the person I was least prepared to meet.



Darn, very bad timing.

Taehyung was wearing a gold-red shirt and black trousers and his hair was –well, intentionally a neat mess- and a Gucci earring sparkled at his left ear. His friends had also arrived with him, and gladly, Taehyung didn't see me.

Luna saw them as well and looked at me with concern. ''Just ignore him alright?''. I nodded.

There were so many students inside the club when we entered and everything smelled of alcohol. I hesitantly searched the room for Taehyung. I saw him surrounded by his friends and all of them had a glass of champagne. They were talking and laughing, everyone was.

The three of us was sitting at the bar counter, waiting for our order. I just ordered some champagne since I never had a drink before.

When our orders arrived, I didn't immediately drink it. I hesitated. Luna and Tian drowed their glasses in one. I wonder how they drink so lightly.

''Jia sweetie, just drink it up, you'll be glad if you do'' Luna said noticing my hesitation.

''Okay then'' I gulped and drank it without stopping. Done, the glass is empty. And it didn't feel so bad after all. It was sweet. I had 1 more glass, so did Luna and Tian.

Tian suddenly got up and bowed low, raising his hands towards Luna. ''May I take this dance with you my lady?''

Luna giggled. ''Of course darling'' but she stopped and looked at me with a smirk. ''Time to get your ass on the dance floor Jia Mee'' and pulled me. I couldn't stop her and she dragged me, Tian laughing behind us.

''I know the perfect partner for you'' Luna said and called with a loud voice ''Jin oppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!''

I knew where she was heading. Taehyung's direction. ''No Luna I can't, Taehyung ...''

''Screw that idiot, you are dancing with Jin'' she said. Jin was looking at us approaching him and I looked at the ground, knowing Taehyung was there too.

''You are so unbelievable Luna'' Jin was saying. He saw me behind Luna and smiled at me. Jin was incredibly handsome. I blushed.

''Jin oppa, you know Jia Mee right! She is so awesome and please dance with her! It will be huge help if you dance with her oppa! Pretty please oppa?!'' Luna said like a jet. Is she already drunk or something?

Jin laughed. ''Yah it wouldn't be a problem'' and winked at me. Oh god ...

I smiled shyly. Jimin whistled. ''But first ...'' Jin said. ''Have a drink with us Jia Mee''

I tensed a bit. ''Oh Jin I ...'' but Luna cut me off. ''Jin oppa she would love to! She will! I know she will! Have a nice drink Jiaaaa!'' she said as Tian dragged her off to dance.

''Here'' Jin said as he gave me a glass of blue color liquid. I didn't care to know what it was and drank it in one go. I felt nervous. I knew Taehyung was watching, and so was everyone else.

''Woah Jia-ahh you are a drinker'' said Jimin in a drunk voice. I mustered up the strength to look at everyone and smiled. But I ignored Taehyung.

''Now shall we dance Jia-ahh?'' Jin offered his hand, and I took his. Jungkook whistled as Jin took me to the dance floor. He gave me a charming smile and whispered to me ''Dance like you never had Jia Mee, show me what you got''

Jin grabbed my hand, spins me under his arm, while I dance according to the style and beat. We both were so close. I felt happy and ... so free.


Hours later, I'm still dancing. In my hand, I hold my third—fourth? Glass of wine. I can't even taste the alcohol. Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook had joined us and it was all dance and music. I lost track of Jin and everywhere I look was lights, laughter and fun.

Suddenly there was stabbing pain on my head and my vision blurred for a moment. What the hell is happening? I should get out of the crowd, I thought.

Dancers slam against me as I weave toward the sidelines, clutching my head. I walked through the door to get fresh air. Wind gusts in the cloying scents of cigarettes and sweet incense. I slumped against the wall, my head screaming. I felt my knees going out under me, I felt confused. Why is this happening?

The last I heard was deep voice calling my name, as an unfriendly darkness captured me.


Ops! LOL! Double Update! LET'S CELEBRATE!

Ops! LOL! Double Update! LET'S CELEBRATE!

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