'' In the bottom of my heart lies a secret which I have never told a soul in the world. There is an image of this person who is dearest to me and closer than anything else. You are my secret. My beautiful little secret'' Warning: Strong language and...
I told Luna that I was gonna meet Taehyung and said I will be back in few hours. Luna will be completing her school work today, she says, which is great since she rarely does it.
On my way to Taehyung's place, I received a phone call from Jimin.
''Jia-ahh thanks so much for your help'' he says as soon as I pick up.
I smiled. ''It's my pleasure''
''He seems to talk about you like you are the most fascinating person to him'' Jimin says.
I blushed. ''Jinjja? He says I'm rude actually'' I say laughing.
''Tsk, that's his way, don't mind it that much'' .Caring Jimin to everyone as always.
I hung up saying goodbye because I reached Taehyung's house and I felt very very nervous. Why am I feeling nervous? I took a deep breath and reached to ring the bell, but the door already pulled open before I could.
Taehyung greeted me with that genuine boxy smile of his. He was wearing baggy pants with oversized t shirt which look cool on him. Stop it Jia, he is not cool, maybe.
''Glad that you came'' he says smiling. ''I want huge help''
Curious, I followed Taehyung to the living room. He motioned me to sit down on the sofa. I did and he sat beside me, which made my heart skip a beat. I hands shook a bit as I took out the books, which Taehyung grabbed and kept on the low table.
I gave him a senile look. ''What are you doing?''
He smiled brighter than before. ''I want help so I am making things clear for you'''
''I'll do the whole project today'' he smirked. ''And I want you to cook something delicious for me, now''
I glared at him. ''Who do you think I am? Your chef de cuisine?
He pouted. ''So you are gonna let me starve? I did eat anything since last night!''
I gave him a –are you serious- look. He nodded lightly.
Did I accidently put something in his food last night or is he just insane?
''This is unlike you Taehyung'' I finally say.
He rolled his eyes. ''Will you just go and cook?''
Yeah, I'll take back what I just said. I gave him a death stare and went to the kitchen.
''What do you wanna eat pabo?'' I called out to him.
''Kimchi fried rice! Everything you need to cook is there, so now cook!'' He replied back from the living room.
I mentally cursed myself. When will I ever understand this guy?
I took the bowl of rice on a tray to the living room, taking lot of time to cook to keep Taehyung waiting. He was sitting cross legged on the ground, writing rapidly on a paper. He looked up as I came and his eyes brighten up as he saw the food.
''Yah what took you so long!'' He says as he keep the papers away. I kept the tray on the low table and sat on the ground facing Taehyung. I have him a innocent smile as he frowned at me.
I read trough the work he had done so far. It was written in neat handwriting and very organized facts. I was surprised that Taehyung wrote this all by himself.
''Nice work Taehyung'' I complimented him.
''Of course it should be'' he retorted. I ignored what he said and kept on reading the work.
''Where did you learn to cook like this?'' Taehyung asked suddenly, breaking the long silence.
''My eomma''
He gave a little smile. ''Is there a thing you cannot do huh?''
I thought for a while before answering. ''Well, I can't write songs like you do''
Taehyung almost choked on his food. ''What the hell do you mean?''
I shrugged. ''I saw a piece you wrote, it was fantastic''
''Uhhh ...''. For whatever reason Taehyung seemed caught off guard. He kept on eating in silence while I awkwardly waited.
''God Jia-ahh you are such an angel'' Taehyung say as he finished eating. I blushed. Did I hear him right?
Gladly Taehyung didn't seem to notice and he continued speaking. ''and that piece you saw ... is it actually nice? Like did you mean it when you said it was fantastic?''
''Yeah ... it was'' I replied but my voice trembled a bit. I was still shaken by his words.
He stared at me for a whole entire minute with a unreadable face. ''You are the first person to ever appreciate my work you know?'' he says.
I gulped. I don't know what I should do, this boy is making me feel so ... I don't know what either. Taehyung noticed my uneasiness.
''Yah Jia are you fine?'' he asks.
My brain tried to find a suitable answer but my mouth asked another. ''I was just wondering why Jin scolded you that day''. I know this is totally off subject, but I was also curious about what REALLY happened.
''Oh... that's because he thought I was more handsome than him'' Taehyung smugly said.
I raised an eyebrow at him. He was surely lying but he doesn't seem to say the truth either. So I just took some papers and began writing the project with my own ideas.
''Umm Jia-ahh, I want another favor ...'' Taehyung quietly askes me as time passed by.
''Today Jimin and the others are gonna come so ...'' he let the other words hang in the air.
''So ...? I continued.
He smiled a little at me. ''Can you please cook something for them to?'' I was about to shout out at him but his little boxy smile and brightened eyes made me stop. He was seriously asking me this request and he wasn't rude to me like he used to.
As if ... he considers me one of his friends too. It felt ... grateful.
So I just sighed. ''You really love food don't you?''
He laughed. ''I'll do anything for food''
A/N: I am gonna show you guys an angel eating food!
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