Chapter 23

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I made 7 different dishes and placed them on the dining table and waited to Taehyung to come. I was setting up the plates and chopsticks when Taehyung came down the stairs. He was wearing FILA grey pants and hoodie.

His eyes widened as he saw the food. ''Wow'' he said. I gave me his boxy smile and sat down to eat. I stayed away and thought of cleaning the kitchen until he eats.

''Jia Mee, come and eat with me'' Taehyung called. I turned around with a senile face.


Taehyung rolled his eyes. ''Just come and eat''

I sat down facing him and waited until Taehyung was done filling his plate. Only one question was eating at me. Does he remember what happened last night or not he pretending?

''So ... umm last night ...'' I started.

''Last night what?'' he immediately answered.

I pursed my lips. ''Do you remember anything that happened last night?'' I blurted out.

Taehyung shook his head. ''Nope, I don't''. He looked at me. ''Did something happen? he asks.

I kept a poker face. ''No no, nothing''

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. ''You are very bad at lying you know? Tell me what happened'' he said taking a mouthful of rice.

I gulped. Should I say? Or should I not? Oh god what should I say ...

''You said you hate me'' I lied. Taehyung almost choked on his food.

''Wha – no ... I would never say such a thing'' Taehyung said.

''You have every reason to hate me ....'' I kept on saying.

''No no no, you are lying, I will never even think of it''

I tried hard not to smile and asked him another question. ''Why did you came home so drunk?''

Taehyung stopped eating. He looked at me with a expressionless face.

''I can tell you who did this but I can't tell why he did it'' he said.

''Uhh...okay ...'' I said in a uncertain tone.

Taehyung sighed. ''Jin invited me to a dinner and we both had a drink. I can't tolerate much alcohol and I got extremely drunk'' he said. ''Jin knows that but he let me, I can't remember much but that's all I can say, and Jin isn't a friend, he is my older cousin, so he can do whatever he wants'' Taehyung finished.

''Oh ...'' I can't ask him why of course, he said he won't tell. But why would Jin do such a thing? He seemed to be a nice guy ...

''So is the food fine?'' I asked changing the subject.

He smiled. ''More than fine, and you better eat too'' he added.

I sighed and filled my own plate. We all have stories that we don't say out loud.


It's 6 in the evening.

''YAH JIA-AHH'' Luna shouted as I opened the door to leave the apartment.

''What?'' I say.

''You are going to that Gucci boy's house huh?''

''Yep, we have to do the papers, he said he needs help''

Luna rolled her eyes. ''Its the 5th day you keep going out and you still you didn't finish the papers?''

I frowned. What's up with her .... ''I finished everything but Taehyung didn't, he told me to help him''

''Hmm, okay then ... see you later'' Luna said and went back to texting in her phone.

I muttered a good bye and took a cab to Taehyung's house. Luna was right, I have been going to his house the last 5 days. I didn't tell her EXCATLY what happened that day.

And Taehyung seemed to be more friendly and cheerful with me. In spite of everything that happened that day, I don't give myself expectations. I would be silent and just --- help him.

I am feeling so numb these days but whenever I am with Taehyung, a spark of happiness is always there. I don't know why am I feeling so ... sick of everything. My head is filled too much things.

I sighed and rang the bell of Taehyung's house, and waited.

Taehyung opened the door and greeted me. ''Professor Jia Mee has arrived, please come in'' he said dramatically.

I laughed and went inside. We both usually sit on the ground near the low table to do our work. I pulled out the papers I did last night and showed them to Taehyung. He went trough the answers and his eyes widened.

''Can't I write short and sweet answers? Your answers are longer than the Han river''

I shrugged. ''Write however you want, and better hurry with your papers'' I added. ''University starts again in another 2 days''

Taehyung groaned as I laughed.


Time skip ...

I just waited until Taehyung finishes his work, keeping my head on the table. I had this blinding headache and I was eager to go home quickly. I snapped out of reverie as my phone rang.

I jerked upright and took out of my phone.

It's my Father. Oh no ...

''Sorry, a call, give me just a second'' I told to Taehyung and went into the kitchen. Why should my dad call me in a time like this?

''Yeoboyseyo?'' I answered.

''Jia-ahh, we need to talk'' his tone was stern. I sighed.

''Yes appa''

''You haven't sended us money for weeks and we have given you enough time to have your own fun. If you keep ignoring your responsibilities like this I am going to move you back to Busan.'' He said in a serious voice.

I stammered. It's true I couldn't send them any fee and I don't have any money now but saying these stuff out of the blue .... ''Appa, I'm sorry .... I was too busy with school work and I couldn't .... I promise ...''

''You better stop wasting your time like a idiot. Your eomma and me have spended too much on you since you are young. You know what I am talking about right? Don't think we are asking you help for nothing''

Tears came to my eyes. Why would he mention something like this? Just because I was a burden to them when I was young that doesn't mean he should do this ... Why is he doing this to me ...

''Appa, I know ... please I'll promise, I'll send''

There was silence on the other line. ''We have so many expectations from you, and we both want you to be a success. This is your last warning, don't make us ashamed of you'' My dad said and hung up.


Oh my god no ...;(


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