Chapter 19

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It was the last day of school before the holidays, and I am not happy. I have been ignoring Taehyung for the last 3 days, and he ignored me too. And what's worse is that I have a whole bundle of extremely hard papers to do with him, and we both are silent with each other.

Namjoon has INDEED left the university because I didn't see him anywhere since that day. The others ( Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jungkook ) was also keeping distance away from Taehyung.

I really don't have a clue why they all are acting like this.

Another reason I am not happy is ... My dad called me yesterday.

''Jia-ahh, you have to study hard and somehow get a job there. You are not wasting time right?'' my dad asked me.

''No appa, I am doing everything you advice me to do''

''Remember, no walking on streets at night, no unwanted problems ...''

''Yes appa, I remember everything'''

''and you better make us proud, we don't want any more troubles from you''. His advising and words always hurted me, all he ever cares is getting me some job, never cares about how I feel at all. But he is my dad and raised me until now, so I respect him.

''I promise, I will''

My dad always talks in a way that hurted me every time, he rarely calls me but when he does, it breaks my heart and I will feel so downhearted every time.

The pressure of peer problems, parents always on my head repeating the same thing over and over and school work ... it's all too much.

The last period was given for us students to spend free, and I thought of leaving school early without anyone noticing. I founded Luna near her classrooms, talking and laughing with everyone, Tian by her side. I wished I had her ability to make everywhere she goes goes happy and cheerful.

I excused myself from everyone and grabbed her to talk a little.

''I am leaving early today, is it fine with you?'' I asked her hurriedly.

''Why are you leaving, you can stay with us'' she said trying to make me cheerful.

I shook my head. ''Ani, I feel tired today''

''Oh'' She gave me a comforting hug. ''See you later then'' she said.

As I walked down the hallway ( which is full of students ), I mentally shitted myself with the full tension I have with everything.

I bumped into someone so hard that I fell onto the floor, dropping all of my books too. Great ...

''Oh god I'm so sorry for ...'' I stopped as I saw who I bumped into. Taehyung. He looked like if he doesn't feel anything.

I stood up slowly, not taking my eyes off him. The way he talked to me last time was completely unfair, I didn't do anything to deserve that kind of remark.

Taehyung took my books from the floor, handing it back to me. He still didn't meet my eyes yet. ''Next time watch where you are going'' he said and walked past me.

I watched him leave with a sign.

''That's enough bullshit for one day'' I muttered to myself.


Everyday day seems to drag itself to a decade by every minutes that pass. I wake at 9 am everyday, have a shower and get into the work with papers. There were 5 papers for each subject, which means 20 papers in total.

It wasn't easy though, there are more than 30 questions in each paper, very hard questions.

Taehyung never even texted me so I thought of doing the papers alone. It's been three days since that bumping incident. Luna would go out, bring street food, go out again and do her papers with her classmates and so on.

That doesn't mean she doesn't care about me. I am the person who rejects every invitation to go out. I didn't even go out since school gave holidays.

I wondered how Taehyung does his paper work. He never pays attention to many things when he acts the way he is these days. And for hell's sake, he is the only thing in my head other than work.

Why did Jin suddenly disappear, show up suddenly and caused a whole fight with Taehyung? Why does his friends always look at Taehyung with pity? Why is Namjoon leaving univeristy just because of Taehyung? Why is Taehyung's friends going from Jin to Taehyung ......... the questions keep coming at me.

Every thing on my head eats at me whole day. I quit eating sometimes, I can't even focus on that.

I was completing my 2nd Medicine paper when I heard the door bell ring. I went to open the door, to see Luna with a huge box in her hands.

''Hey would you mind helping me? This is so heavy'' I helped her to place the box on our dining table.

''What's this?'' I asked her.

''I don't know, Tian gave me this'' She opened the box. Inside was every girly thing I can imagine. There was a box of different colors of nail polish, a Victoria Secret perfume, and few Celine dresses with a pink teddy bear saying ''I love you''

Luna blushed seeing this. ''Oh my god''

I laughed. ''Did something between you both I don't know of?''

She blushed even harder. ''Oh god no no no, not the thing you think Jia-ahh!'' She took out a off shoulder dress and stared at it with awe.

''He kept asking me weird things these days. Like what is my favorite fashion brand? Colors, and my dress sizes .... I was wondering why he is being so weird. Now I see'' Luna said with a shy smile.

She took out the teddy bear and smelled it. ''Even this smells like strawberry'' she said and then she looked at me with a sad face.

My eyes widened in question. ''Don't you dare tell me that you don't like these! It probably cost a fortune to him'' I said to her.

Luna shook her head. ''That's not what I wanted to tell, I feel bad for taking stuff, you must also love these things''

Considerate Luna as always. I hugged her without being able to stop. ''Ahh jinjja Luna, what can I do with these stuff?'' I broke the hug. '' You deserve these more than anyone''

She shook her head again. ''We both are going shopping right now''. It was 3 in the evening.

''Luna! It's fine, oh come on .... You don't need to ...'' but she shushed me with a finger.

''Only 5 minutes to get ready, we are going shopping and I should also buy Tian something, end of discussion'' She said in boss-bitch tone.

I sighed. She was serious. ''Okay my dear lady'' I say with a bow and went into room to get ready, knowing this is going to be a long evening.


Srry for letting u all read this HUGE chapter! But i hope you enjoyed ;) 

What will u think will happen? ....

What will u think will happen?

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