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Things are not the same after that incident with Karuto

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Things are not the same after that incident with Karuto. His identity as a supernatural and his last words about everything being a setup from the Life Maker that made her have second thoughts. This is just like the fake world from before, where she thought that Amane's love for her is not real.

Y/n spent the days locked in her room feeling down, it's all returning back together now. She rested her head towards the window, watching the sky turn purple as the sun sets for the moon to rise. Amane couldn't stand her silence any longer, so he decided to put matters into his own hands.

Amane raised his hand and knocked on the door. Y/n lets out a small sigh when she heard him bang on the door. She didn't want to face him at the moment. Her eyes were puffy from crying and her voice was slightly cracking. "Y/n? I want to talk to you, can you open the door?"

Y/n groggily stood up from her bed, making an effort to walk to open the door. She twisted the knob and pushed the door in a small crack to peek in. The two had a staring contest on who gets to go out or go in first.

She decided to come out of the room first and gently closed the door behind her. Messy hair, buttoned up shirt and skirt. Y/n slumped since she wanted to stay in her room for a little longer. "Tell me Amane-kun, what do you really think of me?"

"Y/n, what's with this all of a sudden? Do you doubt me?"

"What if I am?" Y/n snapped, slamming a fist to the door out of frustration. Amane slightly flinched at the sound, damn she's angry alright. Another fight about their feelings, just like from the canvas last year. "Did you only love me because you have no choice but to follow the Life Maker?"

"No I didn't." Amane protested, placing a hand on his chest to prove his point. "The Life Maker doesn't meddle with someone's feelings, she only takes anything in exchange-"

"That's not the point, Amane-kun!" Y/n yelled, clenching her fist as tears started to roll down from her cheeks. Everything seems confusing to her. Is Amane playing with her? All this time his feelings were controlled by the Life Maker to follow the prophecy. Isn't that kind of forced? "You were forced to love me..."

"How would you know, Y/n?" Amane tilted his chin up, slightly pissed at her doubtfulness but Y/n is the type not to lower her pride so she stood there getting ready to pull out a snarky remark. "I never asked to be involved in your life. Your dumbass summoned me just to get revenge to some guy who ignored your texts for a week."

"Oh so you're turning the tables on me now?" Y/n pointed at herself. This is going to end up as a heated argument, she bet. Amane is clearly pissed, probably going to pull out a corny philosophical statement and say "I am three steps ahead of you mortal" and go to a low brightness. "Guess what? I summoned you to test to see if you do grant wishes, I was supposed to wish for my sister to come back to life."

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