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"Have my water bottle," Amane gave Y/n his filled water bottle for her to hold when he was on game

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"Have my water bottle," Amane gave Y/n his filled water bottle for her to hold when he was on game. "Then, my towel." He hands her the towel. "And my heart too—I'm kidding...unless?"

Y/n can't help but to giggle causing Amane to smile softly at her. She reaches over to ruffle his hair. "Are you sure you don't need anything for me to hold, except your hand and heart?" she asked.

"Yeah that's all." Amane pulled away from her hand to fix his messy hair. "I probably gotta go now." He pointed at his teammates who were gathered at the field.

"Wait," Amane stopped to look at Y/n who just inhaled sharply, he tilted his head in confusion. 'What is she planning?' he thought. "I also have something to tell you, can you lean down a bit?"


Amane lowered himself to do as he was told, and then Y/n swiftly kissed his cheek, pulling away with a smile on her face. "A good luck charm, so you can win your match." She said.

Amane blushed, he raised his hand to his cheek as he can still feel her lips lingering against it. He inhaled and grumbled at Y/n. "That was so low-"

"You better go now, they're waiting for you-" Y/n cuts him off mid-sentence. Amane smiled and gave her a little wave before going to his teammates. She watched him go with his water bottle and towel on hand, not even noticing Yuju and Yashiro watching the whole scene unfold.

"A supportive girlfriend I see~" Y/n jolted backwards and saw the black haired girl looking at her with a teasing grin. Yuju snickered and nudged Y/n playfully. "Damn, I wish I had a girlfriend."

"Lmao, just date Sowon already-"

"Is anyone in our class even straight?" Yashiro mentions, then she pointed at herself. "Because I am straight."

"Who said you were straight?" Yuju cackled in disbelief. "You simp for MAMAMOO's Solar-"

"That was one time, Yuju!" Yashiro defended making Yuju sticking her tongue on her. Y/n chuckled at the two and wrapped an arm around them.

"Since we're simping, who do you guys simp for?"

"I used to simp on Minamoto-senpai." Yashiro remembered how she was head over heels with the older Minamoto because he just picked up her pencil case, and she was pretending that she was exchanging diaries with him.

"NCT's Doyoung." Yuju sighs dreamily. "His vocals are mmmm."

"My boyfriend, Yugi Amane." Y/n grinned. Yuju and Yashiro both have their jaws drop. "You don't have to act surprisingly, like, have you seen those godly hands?"

"I mean I saw him playing with your hands almost everyday." Yuju pointed out to make Y/n blush intensely. She suddenly thought of a mental image of Amane smiling at her as he plays with her hands. Shaking her head, she smacked Yuju's shoulder. "Owwie"

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