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"I'm going to be late!"

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"I'm going to be late!"

Sana had to skip the steps of the stairs, literally jumping off the last three steps causing Y/n to draw a hand towards her heart in nervousness of how reckless her daughter is. "Sana, be careful-this is why you should set an alarm before going to sleep." Y/n handed her some packed lunch which Sana took from her mother's hands.

"Oh and one more thing-do we still have leftover mochi?" Sana questioned.

Y/n opened the fridge and scanned the shelves to see if they still have some mochi. "I supposed we still have some. Amane did bring a box home." Y/n took a small container and added some mochi to assume that maybe her daughter tends to crave food during the middle of the class. "Does Hotaru want some too?"

"Oi! Nii-chan!" Sana raised her voice to call her older brother. "Mom asked if you want some mochi." Hotaru calmly walked in to the scene. "Why aren't you panicking-we're literally going to be late!"

"Classes start at 8 AM." Hotaru replied nonchalantly. Sana stood there for a good minute, she looked at her mother and then at her brother. She let out a huff, realizing that all of the rushing is gone to a waste. "Weren't you listening at the school assembly on the first day?"

"Of course I was listening." Sana said like it was obvious so she wouldn't be caught lacking that she didn't actually listen and spent gossiping with her friend Tsukishi. "Let's just go to school, it's better to start early than late."

Hotaru nodded in agreement, grabbing his bag and placed his boxed lunch inside. Sana did the same thing along with the small container. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" Sana yelled out when she and her brother stepped out of the house.

"Stay safe you two." Amane reminded while sipping on his coffee and scrolling through his phone. He glanced at Y/n. "I can't believe they are already in highschool. The same age where we first met."

Y/n sat down next to him, placing a cup of tea in front of her and a plate of donuts on the center for the couple to share. "I wonder if Sana had already summoned a ghost, or was she hiding it from me."

"Our daughter is already fifteen, I'm sure she found someone by now." Amane assured, then he noticed Y/n's frowning face. "You okay, dear?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm just worried about Sana, I think Mom felt like this too when I turned into a ghost bride." Y/n explained to Amane as she took a bite of the donut. "Rest assured, if she can't find one before urabon then we can visit the shrine and ask Mom for help."

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

Sana groaned after being called up with the student council saying that they will remove the Mystery Club if she doesn't find any members, since she's the only member there. "I'm very sorry Yugi-san, but it seems that due to the lack of activities that the club has, we might as well remove it from the extracurricular activities."

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