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"Amane-kun, check this out!" Mizuki waved her photo album in front of Amane

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"Amane-kun, check this out!" Mizuki waved her photo album in front of Amane. "As per tradition, we show this ancestral photo album to those who are now a part of the family." She said as she gestures the boy to sit next to her. "It has pictures of Y/n when she was young—"

"Mizuki!" Y/n speedwalks from the kitchen to the couch at the sound of her name being mentioned by her cousin about her being in the photo album. "I heard you talking shit about me—oh, is that the ancestral album?"

"I'm just showing Amane how adorable you looked back then." Mizuki flipped through the pages and showed Amane a picture of Y/n when she was still starting school. "And this is what I looked like before I dyed my hair." The orange haired girl started to ramble about the contents of the album.

"Say Y/n, is Mizuki-san from your mother's side?" Amane asked.

"Mhm, my mom is the oldest among her siblings." Y/n answered. "My aunt—which is Mizuki's mom is the middle child, and then the youngest child which is also my aunt."

Which explains the prophecy of the ghost bride, all eldest daughters coming from Hitomi's side will be wed to a ghost that will later on be converted into a human. Most of Y/n's side of the family knows about the ghost bride, even Mizuki herself knows about it, which is she's aware that Y/n is the ghost bride. "I'll go get a glass of orange juice, I feel a little thirsty."

Y/n left the living room to get herself a glass of juice as Amane and Mizuki sat there skimming through the pages of the album. Mizuki decided to bring up the subject. "Say, are you once a ghost?"

"Eh?" Amane backed away all of a sudden. "How did you know?"

Mizuki giggled. "So I was right, you are the fated one." She crossed her legs and rests her head against the couch. "Did you two went through Grandma Inoue's ritual?"

"Is it where our subconscious came to confirm the bond from Hitomi?"

"I don't know man, I didn't get the ghost bride thingy because my mom is not an older sister—Y/n's mom is." Mizuki shrugged, she closed her eyes but she continued to speak nonetheless. "Our grandma is the eldest daughter in her family, then her first daughter is Aunt Yana, after that Y/n is born so she's the current ghost bride—and her first daughter will be the next."

"Has anyone in Y/n's side of the family ever tried to break the curse?" Amane asked.

"I don't think they did. I mean, I feel like the curse benefits them to be with someone who is meant for them—it's like maybe a ghost is capable of not breaking your heart than real people do." Mizuki remembered that she was bullied because she couldn't like boys, then she reached middle school and dated girls that only broke her heart in the end.

"But you have Ririna-san, I can tell that she's not going to break your heart." Amane smiled at Mizuki. "Ririna-san is very kind to you, I'm sure that you two will get married in the future—and I bet she's the one for you."

"Ririna is going back to the Philippines soon, I don't think we'd last if we decided to be in a long distance relationship."

"Then, fight for it."

Mizuki opened her eyes and looked at Amane in disbelief. "We clearly have no idea what's going to happen in the future, and you can't tell if someone is really for you, but if Ririna-san is able to fight against the odds just to be a part of your future—no, be your future, then you two are definitely meant to be." He explained, tilting his head with a grin.

"I mean..." Mizuki hugged her knees together and smiled. "I do see Ririna being a part of my future, I don't know if she sees me as a part of hers."

"Ask her." Amane encouraged her as he subtly pointed at Ririna who is hanging some clothes by the laundry.

Mizuki, for the first time, felt epiphany by Amane's words. She looked at Ririna, she still looks like a goddess doing laundry—like a wife. "I bet you've been in this situation with Y/n too, huh?" She asked as Amane nodded, he used to think that it was impossible since he was already dead back then, but when it comes to fucking up timelines and defying the laws of physics, nothing is truly impossible when you don't give up.

Especially if it's for love.

Because you can go all out when you're in love with something or someone in particular. "If we hadn't known the prophecy, I would still fight my way just to be with Y/n to be honest." Amane chuckled to himself. "We're born at the same year right?"

"Yeah, but I'm older than you. I was quite surprised to hear that you're older than Y/n." Mizuki cleared her throat. "...Wait hold on a second."

Y/n walked in holding a carton of juice. "What did I just walked into?"

"...I lost the bet." Mizuki broke down on the spot with a depressing aura surrounding her. "Ugh! That smelly bastard, I just have to lose to him!" She groaned in frustration. Y/n stood there being confused as ever, what did this woman even bet on anyways? "Oi! Kazuma! Ran! Get cho asses over here!"

Ran is Mizuki's cousin from her father's side and Kazuma is from a family friend who is staying with them for a vacation. "Why is there so many people here...?" Amane muttered under his breath as he sat close to Y/n, a habit that he has whenever he's around with people he doesn't know.

"Bruh, I'm trying to play." Kazuma says.

"What is going on?" Ran asked while putting her hands in her pockets. "And who's that guy with Y/n?" She pointed at Amane with a bored expression on her face.

"Ehem—This is Amane Yugi, my boyfriend." Y/n says while introducing her boyfriend to them, which Amane gave them an awkward wave. Ran blinked repeatedly and Kazuma dropped the milk box that he was drinking—then he cheered.

"I won the bet!" Kazuma announced.

"Kazuma, I swear." Ran says with a warning tone. "Just shut the fuck up."

"Wait, what did Kazuma won?" Y/n asked.

"We all placed bets on you while you were gone." Mizuki explained. "About you being in a relationship with someone."

"How long did you guys bet?"

"I actually relied on my luck towards Souho being your mutual understanding guy and I thought you two are still together until you told me that you two never clicked at all—So I said, after 18." Mizuki shrugged, glaring at Kazuma for winning their silly bet. "Then, Kazuma said when you turn 17, technically he won."

"I thought you will never have one." Ran admits.

"I—Ran, you didn't even give me a decade later you just straight up said I'll never have a boyfriend." Y/n deadpanned at her cousin-in-law, or whatever that term is called for cousin's cousin, friends I guess? Amane was quite baffled on how Y/n has a lot of cousins. Ririna went inside the house after doing laundry.

"I have more cousins." Ririna says, almost as if she was reading Amane's mind. He could only look at Y/n talking with her cousins. Amane is starting to think that maybe them going to Jeju Island with just the two of them is much better. Sooner than later, Kazuma and Ran left so it's officially Ririna, Mizuki, Y/n and Amane in the beach house.

"Say, let's go to the beach tomorrow!" Mizuki announced, catching Amane and Y/n's attention. "I mean, if we go now—Amane-san and Y/n won't be able to rest as much so let's go tomorrow."

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»

sorry for the short chapter everyone ;-;

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