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After finishing up with his groupmates, Akane opened the television to see the news until they saw that there's an accident nearby

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After finishing up with his groupmates, Akane opened the television to see the news until they saw that there's an accident nearby. According to the surveillance cameras, there are three highschool students present in the scene, two students were standing by the road while the other one was standing on the side walk. When the truck came nearby, the student pushed off the two people to the side causing them to get hit instead. "The victim's name is identified as Souho Shirasagi, the youngest son of Mister Shirasagi, the founder of the famous pottery company across Japan."

"Souho Shirasagi... where have I heard that name before..." Yamabuki rubbed his chin as he closed his eyes. Akane turned on the volume way up to hear the other information. "Wait? Isn't that the guy who ghosted L/n?"

"Shit you're right----" Akane added.

"Wait? That's him?!" Amane crawled forward to see what's happening. He squints at the two people at the corner being interviewed by the newscaster. Turns out that those people are Y/n and Karuto, what are those two doing there together? Amane didn't want to overthink things out that Y/n went cold feet and decided to cheat on him behind his back. He shook his head, Y/n would never do that to him. "I'm gonna call Y/n, hold on."

Amane went outside to see police cars, a helicopter and ambulances passing by the road. He dialled Y/n's number, a sigh of relief escaped from his lips when she picked it up. "Y/n, I heard that there's an accident around the block. Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Then, he heard soft sniffles and cries from the other side of the phone. "I'm at the hospital... Souho is dead... Karuto is gone..." Y/n replied. Amane's face softens as he pressed his ear against the phone to hear her sobbing through the call. He'll just have to ask his questions later after Y/n had calmed down.

"Shh, Y/n..." Amane said in a gentle manner. "Focus on my voice okay? Take a deep breath love, inhale and exhale..." He encouraged. Y/n did what he was told by inhaling and exhaling, Amane smiled when he heard her breathing. "Yeah, that's my girl..."

"Keep doing it until you've eased up." Amane instructed with a small grin. Y/n smiled, her chest rises then falls as she stopped crying during the process. "Good girl..." He praised. Amane told her that he will be coming to pick her up and bring her back to the apartment to talk about what happened that time.

Amane ran as fast as he could, eventually finding a shortcut to the hospital where Y/n was waiting for him. They will be meeting by the entrance so that he could easily see her. An ocean of relief washed over to Amane's face when he spotted Y/n sitting on one of the steps while leaning against the wall next to her. "Y/n, there you are!" Amane quickly went over to his girlfriend.

She looked like she had been through war. Amane knelt down beside her as he places his hand against her cheek. "Lets go home and talk, okay?" He tells her with a gentle voice. Y/n nodded with a sniff as both of them stood up and walked back to their apartment.

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