Volume 1 Chapter 8: Mathematics Gone Wrong

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Previously: Sara ran towards the entrance and see's her big brother waiting for her, she halts to a stop at the the sound of a familiar voice. "Oh you are finally, here. Damn villain bitch." She turns around only to be blasted in the face by a explosion. She flew back and her brother leaped into the air and caught her. His bike got wrecked in the explosion from the blonde haired kid's hands. It exploded and hit Marcus in the back, he groaned deeply in pain as blood dripped off his body and hit the ground below. He looked down at his sister asking of she was alright, she was unharmed. She asked him the same but as soon as he went to say something he fell to one knee.  Sara looked her big brother worried, he was in bad shape. She got out of his arms and her hair stood up with rage. "How dare you hurt my big brother!"

Her magenta eyes changed to cherry red eyes with black sclera. Her short hair changed to medium length scarlet red hair with black highlights. Her muscles grew in size, and her height changed to 5'8 to 6'1. Black & red demon wings came out of the middle of her back and a long tail comes out of her lower back. Her nails grew in length looking more like claws, her teeth changed firm as well. Slightly sharp teeth, and long fangs like a vampire.

Bakugo scoffed disgusted,"You even look like an ugly villain. Is this your real form, huh bitch!?" Marcus grabbed his sister's tail stopping her from doing anything unforgettable,"You can do something evil but I can't!?" She was being overwhelmed with rage, he pulled her into a warm embrace. She struggled against his strong grip,"If you kill him, you will be just like me and the others. I refuse for you to join the dark side." She screamed out,"He hurt you! He deserves to feel pain!" She drooled as she lusted for Bakugo's blood. He went to record her but his phone was grabbed by All Might. He went to insult the person who took his phone but he froze up in front of his favorite hero. "What's going on?" Marcus picked up his sister and knocked her out before she could say anything,"Just a misunderstanding. We were just leaving, have a nice day." He glared at All Might with hate and bloodlust slowly leaking out but he held back his rage. He backed away and once he turned the corner he heard,"All Might it's not what it looks like..."

He was hit in the face by All Might's back hand. He hit the ground groaning in pain,"All Might?" He got kicked in the gut and hit the wall of the wall around the school. He opened his eyes to see his hero seething with anger. "You hurt Miss Havelock didn't you?" Bakugo went to lie but got punched in the gut. He coughed out blood,"Do you have any idea what you almost just did? She's the daughter of a villain, our school isn't legally allowed to suspend her or we would be targeted by her family's lawyers. If she gets harmed during training and almost dies them they will target the heroes and their family's. Those who give her hard time, like you and your friends will be get in trouble too. Your family might be threatened or even hurt just because you wanted to feel powerful. Now go home and think about what you've done." Bakugo realize that the situation was much more serious than he originally thought. He ran home almost peeing his pants. Marcus leaped over the school wall and landed gracefully in front of All Might. "How interesting it seems like you too care about my little sister. Maybe a little too much, because I smell her scent on you." All Might took a step back and waved him off trying to deny anything. "No worries about it, if she enjoyed herself then that's all that matters. Right number one hero?" All Might nodded his head sweating profusely. "Make sure she stays safe and I won't have any problems with you seeing her from time to time. I'll be honest, I hate you but my little sister likes you. So keep that all in mind, I'll be going now."

All Might watched Marcus leave on foot with Sara in his arms, sleeping soundly. He grabbed his chest,"I can't believe I just beat up a student because he hurt Sara. I'm falling for one of my students?"

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