Volume 2 Chapter 1: I'm Losing Myself...

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Previously: Aizawa really wants her to be hurt for hurting his heart. But not everything goes as planned. Sara got ready to fight and when Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero got inches away she lowered her arms and let them all beat her inches away from death. Her body hit the ground barely conscious. Deku screamed out her name and dashed towards Sara before it was too late. He insulted his teacher and everyone for hurting her so bad. He dashed towards the nurse's office with his friend in his arms. Present Mic peeked out to see blood streamed down her arm leaving a trial of crimson behind. "I guess we will have to talk some other time."

A few hours later: Aizawa was leaning up against the wall outside of the nurses office. "Don't worry Midoriya, I'll be just fine. Go home before your mom starts worrying." "If you say so." He left the nurse's office leaving Sara all alone. She dropped down to the tile ground and walked past Aizawa. "She punished herself? But why? I thought she was just as evil as her family? Wait where is she going?"

Instead of going to Present Mic's classroom she headed up to the rooftop to end it all. Or at least that's what she wanted to do. But Aizawa decided to follow her to the roof curious about what she was doing, thinking she was breaking her promise.

Sara stepped up on the ledge and felt the cold breeze against her skin. It felt good but then again the pain of her wounds from the Baku Squad was ruining the experience with a sharp stabbing pain shooting throughout her veins.

She went to take a step forward but then the door was opened by familiar face. She didn't even bother to turn her head or say something. She just stood there in silence. Their heavy breathing, confused look in their eyes and how their body was washed over with hypocritical concern. "Sara..." She heard his low voice reach her ears. She felt a sharp and jagged blade pierce through her already broken and blackened heart. "Don't do it." She knew he was going to say that, she could feel it coming. His poisonous words turned her tears of sadness into something more acidic. He inched towards her as he said all sorts of things out of his character. His concern and caring words made her want to jump even more.

He reached out and was inches away from touching her back. But then she finally spoke up,"Hypocrite, fake hero, failure of a teacher, poisonous savior, greedy and heartless pig. So many things I can say about you but at the end of the day. I can't help but laugh at the reality of this situation. You hate my guts, you wanted me to get hurt in hero class and yet me killing myself is too much for you to take? Like being covered in blood, scars, and wounds isn't good enough for you? I get it, I understand why you hate me. I know why everyone hates me. I don't blame them. What I said to was true, I FUCKING HATE MYSELF!"  His eyes widened and his pulse skyrocketed. "You hate yourself?" She scoffed annoyed with his surprised tone of voice. "I thought I made that clear, but I guess you didn't see it until now." Her tail wrapped around his wrist stopping his movement towards her shirt. "I didn't ask to be born in a fucked up family full of sexual deviants. Have devil features. Have my two sexual quirks, but what I did choose for myself was to come here to become a pro hero!" She slapped him away and he landed roughly on the ground a few feet away. "I always thought that I was cursed to never have a normal life because of my quirk and family. But then one day my quirk went crazy and a long raven black haired man stopped it from effecting my body. He was my savior and the only person who saw me as a human being and not just the daughter of a monster. But of course I knew that eventually you would find out about my background, hate and disgust consumes the hearts of the ones near me. My childhood friends were bribed to leave my life or threatened by my family so they could control my future. A bird in a cage who is bound by chains of fear and hate. I messed up everything. The only one who I looked up to, sees me as a monster and creature of darkness. A crow shrouded by death and bloodlust. But I don't want to be what my mom wants me to be! I want to become a pro hero to help others. The blood in my veins is disgusting. My thoughts are revolting. And the only thing I'm good at is having sex!"

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