Volume 1 Chapter 12: Guess Who's Back!

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Previously: A few days later: (Wednesday) Sara is given a burner phone with their numbers inside. She stole their villainous hearts. They vow to protect her from the shadows. She was dropped off in front the police station where her two contacts were located. She was covered with recent stitched up wounds. She was unconscious and half naked with her ripped up clothes on.

Sugawara & Hinata rushed outside and carried her inside to get her covered up. She woke up in a chair with a warm blanket wrapped around her body. She called her brother and he came picked her up.

She was treated at the family's Yakuza base. Her mother's subordinates took care of her while they tried to find the man who kidnapped her. But then Sara said that a mysterious figure in black saved her and killed the mastermind. She hid the burner phone with the two contacts at the police station as a future favor.

Monday morning: Sarashi comes to school and everyone gets annoyed with her presence hoping she died. All Might & Aizawa was relieved that she was alive and back to school. 

(Monday During Lunch) All Might calls Midoriya and Sara to the office. He soothes his pupils fears about Sara and explains that she knows about their secret. Unlike her family, she's actually trying to be a good person. Deku felt bad about his attitude towards her and he apologizes.

Deku ran into the hallway to get to class early. While Sara leaped into All Might's arms shaking uncomfortably. "What happened? I was so worried." She whispered softly,"Stain kidnapped me and then I got tortured by a rival of his, who also hates my family. I was so scared." He kissed her forehead gently and held her dearly. "It's going to be alright. You are safe here..." She pulled away and looked hesitant. "Everyone wants me dead. Even the other teachers hate my guts. Even Aizawa wants me dead." She reached for the door but All Might wrapped his arms around her waist. "You are going to prove them all wrong, I believe in you."

Hero course: Deku & Sara (Heroes) vs Tenya Ida & Bakugo (Villains)

Deku walked towards Sara and saw her shaking slightly with nerves. "It's going be alright, you have me on your side now. I'm sure very soon everyone will grow to care about you." His innocent and kind attitude towards her made her feel better about herself.

But then Bakugo walked past her saying rudely,"Isn't this ironic, the villain is playing the hero." Deku glared at his childhood friend,"Kacchan, stop it!" Deku saw Sara grabbed her arms as she went back to looking grim.

A/N~ Hero Costume: Scarlet Tailcoat with black inside and a high collar, is never buttoned or zipped up. It has a hood with black fluff on the ends just in case they are in a cold area. Has a golden trim, buttons, cufflinks, and zipper. Black military pants tucked into their scarlet high heeled boots with black laces. Back iron soles with spikes on the bottom, and steel toes. Scarlet leather fingerless gloves with black spikes on the knuckles.

The buzzer went off and Deku sprinted down the hallway with Sara trailing behind him looking upset. But then she heard a faint explosion coming from around the corner m her tail wrapped around Deku's waist and pulled him out of the way of danger. "DEKU!" "Sara, I got this! Go secure the bomb!" She let go of his waist and flew past Bakugo. He stumbled backward but recovered his balance by setting off a few explosions behind him. 

Sara landed in the room where e the bomb and Tenya Ida was located. He went to kick her face but she blocked his strike with her right arm. He had a hateful glare in his eyes,"Your damn family deserves to be arrested for their terrible actions!" She slid back a few feet not saying anything to his statements. He wouldn't believe her but she agrees with his statement wholeheartedly.

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