Leather Spun Bindings (Dragon x Reader)-Part 1

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(Dragon x Reader)

You feel the bench beneath your toes tip ever so slightly, wobbling on its front legs before slamming back to all fours as you clutch to the wall in desperation not to fall, letting out a tiny shriek of terror as you feel that wall slide beneath your fingertips tempted to betray you and let you fall on your ass.

"Hey! Be careful you dumb-dumb! I don't want you hurting yourself before my brother gets home." Yells Cheryl from her own spot over by the outdoor seating and strong iron patio table as she places down the dip and chips alongside the serve yourself smore's buffet beside their fancy little campfire that turned on by the drop of a match on the gas release above some beautiful blue gravel.

You had to admit, you were definitely jealous of their fine ass house with its little turret like a castle and huge fenced in backyard that was now going to hold the welcome home party for Callumn after his 2 years abroad in Europe, doing supposed soul and hereditary searching as he looked through their family's supposed ancient history in the middle of nowhere England and Scotland, and Norway, and literally everywhere possible. to avoid coming back home you had to think. 

And you thought that just maybe he was trying to avoid you all along, after what had happened just before he left. You remembered that rainy day moment like it was yesterday, not two years, 3 months, and 11 days. But why now? Why decide to come back now, just before you were to leave. You thought that maybe you would never see him again, that the moment you had shared was just as fake as all the steamy dreams that followed it.

Trying to breathe through your own memories and recollections of the boy that had left you to get in a taxi and drive away for two fucking years was not something you particularly wanted to relive.

Breathing through your teeth, you hop off the bench, pushing it back in place against the side of the wall. The cobblestones caught unevenly on the bench legs making it tip back and forth and threatening to smash your toes the grinding noise making your teeth clench.

"You know, I wouldn't have a chance of hurting myself if you decided to help me instead." You grumble back at her, rolling your eyes as you stand up straight to stretch your back out with arms hanging a little like ragdolls at your sides, tired from wrapping up so many lights around the trees and porch edges.

"Yeah, but I had to take out all of this delicious food instead." She teases back, taking a nibble on one of the veggies from the salad plate before making a face and throwing it in the yard instead. 

"Hey! Cheryl, what the hell bro, that's perfectly good food." Whines one of Callumn' s many friends before he left. Not that he had talked to anyone in that two years except to text Cheryl the date he was coming back, giving them a 3 day warning to get his party together, but hey, 2 years, who cared right?

Trying not to think about it too much and to get your head back into partying mode you roll your eyes at their positive stupidity as the two begin to argue over the likeability of certain foods. They had hard-ons for each other since Cheryl's 8th grade birthday party, you just wished they would get their asses in gear and do it already, well, hopefully not tonight, but sometime soon considering the two of you left for college in less than a week.

Of course, Callumn's other friends were decently chatty as well, but none of them liked his sister as much as that idiot. Clearly the fiery red head had gotten someone's attention, and from the cheeky grin on her face as you walk away, she was damned happy about it.

While she flirts up a storm in front of the snacks, you make your way to do the door, doing her job and inviting the guests in. Family friends, his old buddies, Cheryl's not necessarily enemies, and everyone else in town curious about the return of one of the most prominent family's mysterious son.

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