Man's Worst Friend (Shapeshifter x Reader) - Part 2

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(Shapeshifter x Reader)

"I thought I was helping you know? Volunteering there. I was supposed to be helping animals plus extra practice hours for the Animal Hospital, I never should have volunteered there they are all assholes and no one really gives a shit." You practically slam your head into the steering wheel, groaning in frustration as you listen to the whining behind you.

"And I didn't even properly adopt you! I literally just stole a damn dog from my job! I am most definitely fired uuggghhh. I'll be lucky if I don't get the police called on me for this one." You pop the trunk, staring at the dog that politely sat there wagging his tail at you. "I don't even have room for you. I don't have a yard, I live in a tiny apartment, I don't even have a dog bowl or food or anything for you."

He pressed his nose into your palm, it was cool but it calmed you down a bit. You looked into his big eyes, one brown one blue, his fluffy fur and big head. You bury your face in it again trying to hold it together.

"You cause me so much stress you know? But you're just so comfy and fluffy, I could hug you forever Bear." You tell him, trying not to squeeze the life out of his massive frame. He licked your face enthusiastically, how could anyone call him a bad dog?

"Let's go then big boy, I guess it's time to see your new home." You lift the leash to show him inside, he was so placid just padding along like the best boy in the world. You unlock the door, pushing it open to show him the inside. It was a 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Sparsely decorated with a couple dishes still sitting in the sink and your anatomy textbook still lying flat on the couch from where you woke up that morning.

"It's not much but. . . well, yeah." You shrug as you drop the leash. He glances back at you before walking around like he owned the place, sniffing every piece of furniture and making his way into the bedroom. You hang up the keys when a muffled groan comes from the other room, frowning you walk into the bedroom to see him laying across the bed already comfortable.

You groan a little, he wasn't exactly the cleanest dog in the world having spent so much time in that cage in the shelter, not to mention he was massive and you hadn't made your bed that morning so he was on top of the sheets not the comforter.

"Bear you can't just. . . ya know what, never mind actually." You throw your hands in the air as he gives you a fore lorn stare and huffs softly, fluffy tail flopping on the bed lazily and his ears pinned back like he knew you couldn't say no to that face. The dog was there for five seconds and already knew he could get away with literally anything.

"Ok, just take a nap, please don't destroy anything. I am going to the store to get you everything you will need because this was sooo not planned." You check your phone wandering if you can even afford the massive amount of money you were about to drop on this mutt. 

"God I hope this is not the biggest mistake of my entire life." You pick up the keys and walk out again, leaving behind a massive problem that you desperately hoped wouldn't take a shit on your floor while you were gone.

It took at least 45 minutes to grab everything. Not to mention you had to find the store to begin with which had been a rather large pain in the ass. Struggling up the stairs with bags in one hand and a massive bag of dog food over the other shoulder you nearly fall backwards when an accusing voice behind you speaks up.

"Did you get a dog?"

You nearly curse under your breath, the landlord. You couldn't even remember if the apartment was pet friendly. "Yeah, uhm, just today actually, kind of a spur of the moment thing." You wince as you try to keep walking, your drop in focus had let the dog food slip to an awkward position that made it immediately more difficult.

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