Conquered Kingdoms (Warlock x Reader) - Part 2

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(Warlock x Reader)

You gasp, sitting up straight only to regret it in about a half second as the dark room spins in never ending loops. You ease yourself back until you are laying down again, clutching at your head in hopes the pressure will ease the pounding. Cool fingers brush against your forehead and its gone not a half second later. You breathe easier feeling the pressure behind your eyes dissipate in a single moment.

"How you doing princess?"

Your eyes flutter to meet his, the red seemed almost black in this light, his skin pale and tattoos prominent as he sat on the coffee table beside the couch you were comfortably laid out on. Your body felt a little tingly like when your hand or foot fell asleep and you tried to wake it up, only not painful.

"What happened?" Your voice sounded like you just woke up from a long sleep, a little raspy and begging for water.

"Well, I rescued you, your very own knight in shining armor, and brought you back to one of the private meeting rooms where you passed out. I made sure you were ok, and now you're awake." His smile would be almost charming if it weren't for the anger that hid in his tense jaw.

"Rescued me from what?" You slowly sit up this time, taking the black cloak draped over you with you to keep yourself covered.

"Do you remember anything about being attacked? A guy he. . . he spiked your drink and then outside of the restroom her." You nodded quickly, it seemed difficult for him to express what he had witnessed. His hand curling in a fist as one of his blue gems glittered.

You remembered foggily how he had torn your dress and then this man was there and he. . . he died. This man had killed him, snapped his neck in front of you but he had never even touched the man. 

"You killed him, didn't you." You hugged the cloak around you, daring this man to deny what he had done. You certainly didn't feel sorry for the deceased after everything that happened but if he was willing to kill him without a second thought, what would he do to you?

"Of course princess, he put your hands on you."

The smirk this time was merciless, no apology considered as he leaned forward onto his knees, getting eye level with you. 

It was suddenly a little more difficult to swallow or to form words, he was a cold blooded murder and he had no remorse for his actions. "But I'm a stranger." You try, he had no investment in your honor or your protection, and clearly he was no upstanding citizen trying to do a good dead when he rescued you.

"Stranger, perhaps, but you have a little fire in you, and I wasn't about to let someone as disgusting as that try to put it out" His smirk dropped into an ugly scowl, something that screamed murder before he met your eyes again brushing a stray strand of hair from his eyes, "Besides, if you were going home with anyone tonight it would have been me." 

"Your arrogance truly has no bounds." You scoff in return, rolling your eyes. Unfortunately, it had his desired affect though a blush crawling from your throat to your neck and touching the fiery tips of your ears.

"I prefer to call it confidence with a sense of humor." He joked, still staring. He wouldn't stop staring.

"Thank you, I guess, for what you did." You try, you had to look away, it felt impossible to keep eye contact any longer.

"You don't need to thank me princess, " He reached forward and you jerked away from his hand as he hovered over your knee. "I was just going to help you stand, if you are up for that." His hand stayed perfectly still, not reaching further or pulling back as he waited for your next move.

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