Leather Spun Bindings (Dragon x Reader)- Part 3

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(Dragon x Reader)

Warning!!: This chapter is spicy, not super spicy, but it is spicy!! Obviously can't stop you but please don't read unless you are over 18 (also please no weird comments, first time writing a scene like this)

You dig your nails into his bicep, clawing at him as he runs his nose along your throat. He was moving so slowly, only gentle kisses every now and then as you try not to make a sound. It was hard not to move, your chest rising and falling quickly your heart beat and the party outside pounding in your ears. 

Finally he lays a firmer kiss on the base of your throat, delivering a small nip that has you arching into him a little further and you could feel that irritating smirk on his lips. You couldn't stand it, he thought he was winning whatever this was. Grasping his hair firmly you pull his mouth back to yours, claiming his lips with your own. It was ferocious, you hated him, you despised what he had done, but you hadn't thought of anyone else after that night in the rain and had imagined this moment so many times. Damn it if you refused to let it be a disappointment. 

After an eternity he finally pulls away, gasping for breath as you gulp down the air, glaring up at him as he smirked. You wanted to slap that smirk right off his face but you thought maybe that would ruin this moment between the two of you. Instead you just stared, certain the amber glow of his eyes was the desire he felt for you. You weren't letting that go to waste, not this time.

Letting go of his hair and bicep you use your hands to scoot back on the mattress, peeling your shirt over your head and tossing it on his floor. You look back, still under his body but he still stood at the edge of the bed, watching you with a slightly open mouth. It was your turn to smirk at him this time, "Are you just going to stand there or what Callumn?" 

You couldn't let him know how nervous or borderline terrified you were, heart hammering in your chest as a slow, feral grin spread across his mouth. Slowly he stood up straight, reaching back to tug his own shirt over his head one handed, tossing it to the ground beside yours. His eyes were like miniature flames as the room darkened around you, like the world had shrunk into this one, pivotal moment between your friendship.

Yeah, he fucked it up when he kissed you two years ago, yeah you both fucked it up minutes ago when you kissed again, but this was so much more real. And fuck did you want it more than you should. 

"Sorry I kept you waiting Princess." It was a growl, like you unleashed something monstrous inside him by starting this, and he wasn't planning to hold it back. It was agonizingly slow the way he crawled over your body, making every inch of your skin hyper aware as he slunk over you, his mouth traced gentle kisses up your leg, gently tracing his path until he reached the edge of your skirt, and you could feel your heart stall for what he might do next.

That head of fiery red hair as he peeked up at you, his smile a brilliant snarl in the darkness canines gleaming viciously as he licked his lips. Like he could smell what he was doing just by making you wait, by pausing just at the edge of your skirt. Before you could yell at him to keep going he nipped at the inside of your thigh, just under your skirt before he skipped it entirely. Opting instead to lick from your exposed stomach to the edge of your bra.

The groan he released matched your breath as you exhaled  at the same time, body drawn tight with the anticipation he was building. A low growl slides past his lips as he begins a more feverish assault on your cleavage, leaving it decorated with small bites that left red marks and sloppy kisses that made your heated skin cool in the breeze from the open window.

You squirmed, letting out little squeaks and groans in response to him. He clearly knew what he was doing, but damn did you wish he would move faster. That was until his hand slid under your skirt and grabbed your hip, pressing you into the bed as he finally arrived, spreading your legs and letting your skirt fold to accommodate his large body. You had to get a good look as he loomed over you in his glory, one hand on your hip and the other by your head to support himself.

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