Beating Hearts (Wendigo x Reader) - Part 2

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(Wendigo x Reader)

Reader Warning!!! This one will be gory, themes include death, cannibalism, unwanted sexual advances, and some 18+ themes similar to others in this short story collection.

You tried to clear away the leaves and sticks before laying down the sleeping bag but for some reason you felt a rock still sticking up into your ass with every wiggle of your butt. But you couldn't fix it, not now when his hand was in yours. It had taken at least 30 minutes, but he had finally made the move and you couldn't move for fear of scaring him off. Slowly, so slowly you lean in until your ear touches your shoulder.

You jump, sitting up straight, cheeks burning as he shifts, leaning back against the tree behind the two of you. "I wish there weren't clouds." He mutters, hand still on top of yours but now it felt more like an accident.

"Yeah, it would probably be better." You respond, trying to stare at the stars and not at him, it was so difficult not to look at him and where he lounged. Trying not to breathe too loud you slowly lift your fingers, sliding them between his until they are laced together. You wondered if he could feel your pulse through your woven fingers.

"I don't know, this is pretty good." Alex's voice was so close, whispering across the back of your neck like the breeze. 

You shift, trying to move that stupid rock without letting go of his hand and awkwardly leaning back against the same tree. "Still, we came out to see the falling stars and they're gone. All we get is the fog over the lake." You gesture with your other hand at it creeping in. It was beautiful, but creepy and not the pretty glinting of stars millions of miles away and the hanging shape of a dark moon.

"I don't know, it's kind of peaceful like this. Just us, the fog, and the water. And the idiots snoring in the tent down the hill." You snicker at him, he had always had better hearing than the rest of your group so you couldn't hear the snores he was referring to, but you definitely believed it.

"I wish. . . I wish we had told them no when they asked." You mutter, biting your lip as you stare out there, the sky and water blending seamlessly. 

"Me too, especially fucking Caleb. That idiot just pushed all my buttons today." He snarled, hand curling around yours a little tighter. You can't help but squeeze back lightly in comfort.

"I'm sorry about your blankets, that we lost them in the lake." You finally get the courage, looking up at him to find him looking back. His eyes were always dark, but right now they looked almost black, like the nightfall on the lake just beyond the cliff.

"It wasn't your fault, it was just. . . never mind. I don't want to be angry about that right now, I just want. . . I want to be here. With you." 

"Alex, I. ." You didn't even know what you wanted to say.

"(Y/n)." You could see his throat bob as he looked down at you, he looked nervous. But he was always the calm and collected one, the one with the temper if anything. He didn't get scared or nervous, he was always confident.

His hand reached up, gently brushing your hair from your forehead before pushing it back to cup your cheek. He gently tilted your head as you lean into his hand, your other hand grabbing his wrist to steady your position as you turn towards Alex. He was so handsome like this, his face always had shadows under his eyes like a haunted soul, always looking a little sad. But right now those shadows added a touch of mystery, hardening his face as his mouth thinned into a line like he was trying to convince himself of something. So stuck in his own head that you had to make the move for him.

You lean forward, giving him plenty of time to pull away but he never did. Instead he closed his eyes, stilling as your lips meet his. It wasn't much, it was just a peck on the lips before you pull away because he hadn't moved.

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