Leather Spun Bindings (Dragon x Reader) - Part 2

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(Dragon x Reader)

Princess. . .

You hadn't been called that in over 2 years, 2 long years of wondering why he had left you so abruptly. 2 years and now that he was back, you just had one thing to say to him.

"Shut the fuck up Callumn, you really think that after 2 years you can come back and just . ." Your tirade was cut off, your finger laying into his chest to make your point when his arms were wrapped around you crushing your body into his. You hated how good it felt, how you just relaxed the moment his sturdy arms were around you and all of those feelings from two years ago just came running back.

"I missed you too Princess, I'm sorry I left you I just. ." His stupid apology was cut off as you threw your arms around his middle. Despite everything, you missed him. He had been your rock the year before he left, while Cheryl had been stuck in a private school that her parents thought would give her some better manners and keep her away from boys. He had kept you sane while your best friend disappeared and when he left. . . when he kissed you.

But maybe it didn't matter, because in the end you just missed him, his stupid red hair and terrible sense of inappropriate humor that had rubbed off on you. He felt the same even if a little bulkier, he even smelled the same, like a dying campfire and the copper of thunderstorms, he was still warm too. 

You didn't realize how long you were holding onto him until a shriek came from down the hall and quickly you let go, shoving him away from you. He might feel like he used to, but you were still pissed off that he ditched you.

"I'm still mad at you." You growl up at him, putting some space between the two of you as the rush of guests coming to great him came down the hall. His face spread into that stupid arrogant grin that used to make you smile back, knowing he was about to cause mischief.

"We'll talk Princess, I promise. For now, I must greet my adoring fans." You roll your eyes at his stupid arrogant face before he's swallowed up by Cheryl's own crown of red hair as he catches her body launch into him. Not long after are his parents, their smiles and hugs, and all questions about his travels.

You were pushed out, waving off his usual popularity as you make your way into the backyard. You didn't realize how suffocating it was to be in the crowd until you are slumped against the cobbled wall, people watching as the crowd emerges from the hall, spilling back into the thriving party. The swell of music and chatter blocks out your lingering feelings of happiness, you were so glad to have him back, have him return to your life but what if. . . What if he didn't feel like that anymore?

You clung to that grey shirt, holding him for all you were worth like that would keep him from leaving you. Cheryl and their parents had already said goodbye, you were the last one that still clung to him. 

"I have to go Princess, you know I do." His voice was a whisper in your ear as he slowly pulled your arms from around him, he looked down at you with only the storm as his backdrop.

"I-it's probably delayed, because of the storm. You can stay just a little bit longer, right?" You beg, you knew it was begging, but you didn't care. He couldn't just ditch you like this. 

But he was shaking his head, a little smile locked on his lips, it wasn't that arrogant thing that proved mischief in the near future usually involving you, it was sad but resigned. "(y/n), you know that I can't do that."

"But, but. . ." It hit you in that moment. He didn't call you Princess, he was serious. He was really doing this, he was really leaving you. "When will you back?" You whisper, batting your eyelashes to wipe away the rain trying to blur your vision.

"I don't know when I'll be back." Callumn just looked so sad, like it broke his heart to say good bye to you too.

"Will you be back?" You had to ask, because what if he just disappeared? Was gone for good? What if he was like this storm, big and loud and crashing through your life, uprooting limbs but a beautiful chaos that you didn't want to end, but when he was gone, there was nothing left.

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