Salty Waters (Siren x Reader)- Part 1

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(Siren x Reader)

Author's Note: So I'm a fucking genius and had this beautiful idea, this one is actually going to be a combination of Salty Waters and Drowning Love from the original Beneath our Disguises! So if you want to read the separate stories go to that one but this one is a Siren, taking elements from both stories.

You could feel the water and stone tugging at your dress, one a solid weight and the other a softer tug. It begged you to slide away, to at least go for a swim but you knew you couldn't get your hair wet or wash away the touches of makeup on your face. You shouldn't even be here, but you had to see him one last time, you couldn't resist.

"Locke. . I know you're there." You whisper it, barely louder than the waves that drowned your ears in their depths. But you knew he could hear it, you knew he was there in that underwater cave.

You remembered the first day he had showed it to you, when you had trusted him enough to go swimming in his ocean and were introduced to his home. Well, it wasn't exactly his home, but it was as close as you could come above the surface, an underwater cave that filled and emptied with the tide. As dark as it was, you were never scared because you knew he was there, watching you. 

You sit up straighter, fingers digging into the cool damp sand as you hear it. The splash of something huge and the feeling of water lapping a little higher around your knees as something enters the black depths of the pool. You felt a thrill, knowing that you couldn't see him, that you didn't know where he was did something interesting to you like being blindfolded, the mystery of it gave you a little shiver.

"Locke?" You say a little louder, flinching as it echoes across the closely hewn stone walls.

No matter how many times he's done it, you can't help the little gasp as he finally surfaces. Now that he isn't swallowed by water, his iridescent black scales, traced in normally invisible patterns, he lights up the cave. His scales are glow in the dark when he chooses them to be, the patterns a beautiful swirl across his tail and up onto his back and waist. Just enough light to expose both of your faces, just barely.

He had surfaced just beside you, breaching the surface tension almost silently to prop the human half of his body on the rocks, his tail waving just beneath the surface. His entire body screamed stream-lined power and speed, he was thin with defined muscles, every inch of his bone coral pale skin dripping with sea water as he brushes the white hair behind his fin. His ear was replaced by a fin that covered parts of his gills as they flexed out of the water. His forearms were thick and there was some thin webbing between parts of his fingers.

"You sang my darling?" His voice was like the crashing waves, rhythmic and soft, but it made an impact and wore away with every word at your soul.

"I just. . . I needed to see you." You whisper, reaching out with your bare toes to brush his smooth scales, loving the slippery feeling as he flexed beneath your touch. His fins were pale grey and blue in comparison the black and deep ocean blue that was his scaled and muscled tail. 

His smile at the thought that you just wanted to see him made your heart ache. This was going to be so much harder than you thought, he was your friend, you could tell him anything! Anything but this. . . It just didn't feel like only friendship anymore, you felt so guilty every time you went back to. . . to him. You glanced at the ring on your left hand, the shining diamond that decorated the gold band. You didn't even like gold, you preferred silver.

His hand was chilly as he held yours, laying his head on the sand as he smiled up at you. "I missed you, it has been a while. I wasn't sure. . . if you were coming back." 

You smiled back shakily, pulling your hand away from his to lay it in your lap. If. . . You had felt so guilty last time, but you weren't sure which one you felt like you were even cheating on. "I missed you too." You choke out, trying not to ruin your makeup by crying. At least no one would notice the sand or seawater on your wedding dress.

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