Deadly Expeditions (Naga x Reader)- Part 2

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(Naga x Reader)

Everything hurt. No sharp pains, but there was a dull ache along your side and head, especially along your arm. Groaning you slowly sit up, one hand going to your head to hold it gently trying to keep the growing pressure at bay. Looking around you struggle to see much other than the immediate stone around where you lay. 

It was lain flat like tile, something considerably paler than the stone in the upper part of the temple and you could see a hint of carved pillars supporting the ceiling. You were far enough down that it was hard to make out details and you definitely couldn't climb out without some help from above, but it didn't feel like you were at the bottom of the temple looking up. It was more like halfway.

"(Y/n)!! Are you ok!?" Dr. Silla, thank god.

"I wouldn't describe it as ok!" You yell back at him, trying to get your knees under you when you feel a twinge in your ankle and hiss at the feeling. You felt like it was probably just sprained, you hoped it was just sprained.

"Fair enough, do you see a way to get back up?" He asked, and another head stuck over the lip of the hole. Fucking Dr. Grant. You grit your teeth glaring at the idiot who had caused all of this.

"I don't, and I think my ankle is injured." You tell him, squinting as a flash light peers down at you and cover your eyes to try and see.

"How have we not discovered this before! This is amazing!" Yes, because falling into a 20ft hole is "amazing", not terrifying when you had no clue what was down there.

"Mr. Onyx went for help, but mybe if you look around you might be able to find something. I'm going to drop you a flashlight, heads up." In a moment a thick black thing dropped a few feet from you, clanging against the stones and echoing around the cavern. You reach for it, grabbing hold before it can roll too far away. 

"I'll take a look, see if you can get rope or something." You yell back, hoping it will at least get rid of Dr. Grant, the asshole.

Unfortunately, it's Dr. Silla who nods and goes for the rope, and not Dr. Grant who just watches you haphazardly, he seems far more interested in the temple he was supposed to be in charge of than your ill-fated tumble.

Rolling your eyes at the man you turn on the flashlight, and nearly scream as you see the first statue. More giant, terrifyingly realistic snakes, and this time in complete darkness. The pillars that you thought were holding everything up were actually massive carved snakes, still supporting the ceiling but scarily real in this lighter stone and the dark shadows that made them look alive. 

In the center of the larger room, what would be underneath the Nagarin statue was a slab of stone, ornately decorated with pictures just like the walls upstairs but these were much more graphic. They looked like images of old sacrifices, and the stains on the alter were indicative of the same thing.

You shudder at the thought, everything gave indication of great warriors, but human sacrifice was more than that. Along with the suggestions of such horrific actions were the suggestions of other offerings as well, ancient flowers and jewels laid at the base of the flat stone with a light trickle of water behind it. There was probably more of a flow at one point, a deviation from the nearby river used for purity or something but there was still a steady flow through the aqueduct.

Turning the flashlight to yourself you try to assess the damage the fall had caused, looking at your ankle you are relieved to see it still straight but you didn't want to remove your boot to find out if it was bruised yet. Afraid it might hurt it worse if you did that.

"Find anything?" His voice was so bored, you knew he truly didn't care. He was asking purely out of obligation.

"Yeah, it looks like a sacrificial alter." You turn your flashlight up to look at the man only he's gone. You sigh, looking around again for another way out. There. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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