Party Animal (Werewolf x Reader)- Part 3

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(Werewolf x Reader)

Its fur was a mix of grey and whites and brown, bristling as a low growl revs in its throat, making every hair on your body stand on end. Your legs were still shaking slightly from earlier as you tug on the back of Clay's jacket, trying to get him to stop being stupid and having a stare down with a wolf intent on killing you both.

"(Y/n), I need you to stay very still and not freak out, alright?" His voice was stern, unwavering. How the hell did he expect you not to freak out right now!?

"Clay, we need to run." You whisper back, yanking harder on his jacket. Finally, he turned to face you, blocking your view of the wolf with his shoulders. Carefully, slowly, he takes off his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders as you stare up at him. He was being an idiot, but you weren't about to leave him. Not to mention, you didn't know the way back to the gate you two had climbed over to get on the closed down trail.

"It's ok sweetheart, everything will be ok, just don't run. He's a predator, if you run, he will hunt you down, you can't run." He stood up straight, taking off his glasses as he folded them slowly, letting them drop. "Please, just don't run." 

His eyes found yours again, glowing faintly as the full moon caught them. He held your gaze, begging you to listen as he turns to face the monster again. A feral roar escapes his mouth as he launches himself at the creature, only, in the split second that he leapt for the monster and it leapt for him, it wasn't clay anymore.

Brown fur and teeth and claws replaced him in an instant, a creature with his brown eyes tore at the first monster, shredding its fur into bloody ribbons as massive sparkling white teeth tore at the grey monster, going straight for the throat.

And you didn't listen to a word he had said.

You turn and run.

Your dirty sneakers pounding through the forest, narrowly dodging the looming shadows of trees in the dark, sprinting in the direction you thought the overgrown path had been, it had to be. But what if you were wrong? It wasn't something you could think about when you could still hear the ferocious snarls behind you, the whines as flesh was ripped from muscle and bone, and teeth snapped in foamy jaws that begged to be greeted by the death of their opponent.

You hardly register the soft flannel covering your arms or the wind that struggled in your lungs as one foot caught on the edge of a root and down you went, tumbling down an unseen hill and into cool damp leaves at the bottom. The breath knocked from your lungs you gasp, laying there on your back as you watch the glow of a full moon overhead. A full moon. 

How insignificant of a natural occurrence, and yet, it trigged something in the back of your mind. The massive wolf that had evolved from Clay. Your brain tried to wrap around the impossible of what had happened. But every muscle in your body stiffened when through the clear night air rang a howl, a deafening sound of a hunter seeking its prey. And you weren't sure if you would rather it be the grey one or the brown one that won the battle.

Struggling to your feet you try to orient yourself, leaning on a tree to try and figure out which direction you need to run. But it was impossible, the dip you had landed in looked the same in every direction, you weren't even sure which side you fell in.

Another howl reverberated off the trees, sliding into the dip in the ground and echoing in your ears. You panic, scrambling up the fallen leaves and out of the bowl in the ground. You had to run, you had to get out of there, if not out of the woods, at least away from the monster. Clay's words ring in your head as you begin to panic, 'He's a predator, if you run, he will hunt you down'. You had run, you had run from the monster that Clay turned into, and you wouldn't put it past either creature to hunt you down and tear you to pieces.

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