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Tommy wake up.

Tommy: Where am I?! Where is dream?!

Tommy call dream but no answer.

Tommy sit down.

Tommy: I...I'm alone?

Tommy: It's darkness.....

Tommy: I don't like being alone...

I'm all alone...again.

   While Dream

Dream wake up. But he can't see anything.

Dream: Where am I?

???: Void.

Dream: Wh-

Dream see wilbur and he is sitting front of him.

Dream: What the-Where am I?

Wilbur: Void.

Dream: What's void?

Wilbur: Hmm....I can't explain.

Dream: Okay.

Wilbur: Well Welcome to the void.

Dream: Everyone is...here?

Wilbur: Yes.

Dream: Who?

Wilbur: Me, Schlatt, Mexican dream and you.

Dream: ! Where's tommy?!

Wilbur: He also...died?

Dream: He...Exile again and he jump in lava before come here and i try to catch and save him but i also fall.

Wilbur: I was there.

Dream: Oh really?

Wilbur: I was in f-cking ghost's head.

Dream: Ghostbur?

Wilbur: Yeah him.

Dream look around.

Wilbur: If I was there I kill you. But...Now you're dead.

Dream: I care about him. I just-

Dream and Wilbur saw tommy.

Dream: Wilbur.

Wilbur: Yeah.

Dream and Wilbur go to tommy.

Dream: ...Tommy? Are you wake up?

Tommy saw dream and wilbur.

Tommy hug dream.

Tommy: I -I thought You're not here.

Dream: I was not here.

Tommy: Why is....he here?

Tommy point wilbur.

Dream: ....

Dream look at wilbur.

Wilbur also look at dream.

Tommy: Guys?

Dream: We-

Wilbur: You and dream are dead.

Tommy: What? Am I dead?

Dream: Yes...We're dead.

Tommy shocked.

Tommy: It-It's lie right?

Dream: No...

Tommy: I wanna live!

Dream signed.

Dream: Only way...I have.

Wilbur: What?

Dream: Jschlatt gave me revive book but...

Jschlatt: I don't think it is gonna work.

Dream: You're here.

Tommy: ! So...I really died....

Dream: Hey don't be sad. I try.

Wilbur: If it's work. Can you also revive me?

Dream: I...think it's-

Tommy: No! I don't want to Them!

Tommy point jshlatt and wilbur.

Dream: I...don't know if i will or not.

Tommy: ....Promise me now.

Dream: ....I can't.

Tommy signed.

Tommy: How long it will be?

Dream: I don't know. Three month or so?

Tommy: F-ck.

Wilbur: It's gonna be fun!

Dream: Yeah. 

Tommy: I hate here. I f-cking hate here.

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