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*Idk how to go void....yes no one knows....i think? Enjoy!

Ghostdre: You wanna come?

Ghostbur: No...I'm stay here with friends!

Ghostdre: Okay!

Ghostbur: Bye! Good luck!

Ghostdre: Thank you! Bye!

Ghostdre and ghostinnit disappear.

They open eyes again they can see three shdows.

And they are...alive appearance.

Tommy: I'm back b-tch!

Dream: We are back! Yes!

Wilbur: Are you happy?

Dream: Yeah. I'm not cry and soft! 

Tommy: I'm biggest man! Man is back!

Wilbur: Yeah yeah.

Dream: Hahaha.

Schlatt: So...Last time was ghost. why?

Dream: I don't know. Maybe i can change in here?

Wilbur: When I get revive?

Dream: I don't know.

Tommy: F-ck you.

Dream: Don't be like that tommy.

Tommy: Why? He....nvm.

Wilbur: I'm change man!

Tommy: You guys never change.

Schlatt: I never change.

Dream and Wilbur: But I change!

Tommy: Whatever.

Dream: If i can alive again....

Tommy: Please no.

Dream: Well my ghosts don't want to die.

Wilbur: I love your ghost form.

Dream: Really?

Wilbur: Yeah. He is like....tommy's brothers.

Dream: Oh really?

Tommy: ....NOooooooooooooooo

Dream: lol.

Wilbur: *Laugh* Hey it's fine.

Tommy: Is that fine? Am I his f-cking brothers?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Dream: Yeah. You have brothers.

Tommy: ....*Sign*

Wilbur: Anyways....enjoy.

Dream: Yeah. Come on tommy! Let's go!

Tommy: What? Wait for me dream!

Wilbur: They are like brothers.

Schlatt: Yeah.

Wilbur: Can you just stop drinking while?

Schlatt: Nah.

Wilbur: ...

Wilbur try to kill schlatt and he run.

Mexican dream sing aloud.

Dream and tommy run tougher.

*Idk what put here so bye. I hope you enjoy this.

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