If we die...

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Tubbo: I....If you alive again...What are you gonna do?

Ghostdre: I don't wanna alive again...

Ghostinnit nods to ghostdre.

Sapnap: Why?

Ghostdre: We and they are different.

Tubbo and Sapnap: ? What do you mean?

Ghostdre: I'm ghostdre but not dream....Like we have two face.

Sapnap: So him and you are different.

Ghostdre and Ghostinnit nods.

Tubbo: If dream or tommy revive....what will happen to you?

Ghostdre: .....

Ghostinnit: Disappear.

They surprise and look at ghostinnit.

Tubbo: Will you gone...? Like forever...?

Ghostdre: Yes...Forever.

Sapnap: Sorry.

Ghostdre: It's okay! Don't be sad!

Tubbo: Sorry too...

Ghostinnit: Here.

Tubbo smile.

Tubbo: Thank you.

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