Ghost or human?

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Dream: Party?

Wilbur: Yeah.

Tommy: I don't want to.

Jshlatt: Come on.

Tommy: I don't wanna do a PARTY with ENEMY!!!!!

Dream: Wilbur has song for you and shlatt has....something for you and I have-

Tommy: What? Cake?

Dream: I will revive you only if you do a party with us.

Tommy signed.

Tommy: Okay okay.

Wilbur: So how old are you?

Tommy: 17.

Dream: Great.

Tommy: It's been 7 month.

Dream: Really?

After everyone have fun tougher.(Idk also tommy or not)

Dream stand next to tommy.

Dream: If It isn't work we are become like ghostbur.

Tommy: Okay.

Dream: Good...Bye while?

Wilbur: Okay bye! But please visit us sometimes.

Dream: Of course....if we remember.

Jshlatt: If you forget this....We will-

Dream: I try my best.

Dream: Are we ready?

Tommy: Yes.

Dream recite something and close eyes.

Tommy also close eyes and hold dream's hand.

All: Bye.

Dream and Tommy: Bye.

Ghostdre join the game.

Ghostinnit join the game.

Ghostdre: I...fucked up.

Ghostinnit: ...Dream!

Ghostdre: Tommy?

Ghostinnit: We....fucked up?

Ghostdre: What do you remember?

Ghostinnit: Exile...war....I don't remember...

Ghostdre: I don't remember any people...I remember "What happen" but...

Ghostinnit: But you remember me.

Ghostdre: Because we....revived tougher...

Ghostinnit: Reviv-

Ghostdre: ! Tommy!

Ghostinnit: I'm not tommy....Ghostinnit...

Ghostdre: I'm ghostdre...

It wouldn't work to ghost.....

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