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Tubbo: ....

Ghostinnit: Are you okay?

Tubbo: Yeah...

Ghostinnit: Do like red?

Tubbo: Yes?

Ghostinnit: Here.

Tubbo: Why

Ghostinnit: Because it make you warm.

Tubbo: ....That's true.

Tommy throw red to tubbo.

Tubbo: Got it.

Tommy look at tubbo.

Ghostbur: Hey ghostinnit!

Ghostinnit look at ghostbur.

Ghostbur: I find this!

When ghostinnit see "This" his eyes open widely.


Tubbo: That is...

Ghostbur: Forest...?

Ghostinnit: God....Thank you.

Ghostbur: Your welcome!

Tubbo: You remember this?

Ghostinnit shake his head.

Ghostinnit: I don't know why but i think this is most important...compass.

Tubbo: Oh...

Tubbo feel sad because he doesn't remember it.

Ghostdre: Hi guys!

All: Hello drea -ghostdre.

Ghostdre: ...You can call me dream if you want to.

All: Okay. Thank you.

Ghostdre: Have some green! It make you calm down and relax!

All: Thank you.

Ghostbur: Oh here you go! Have some blue!

Ghostinnit give red.

Ghostdre: Have some green guys!

Ghostbur: Thank you!

Ghostinnit: Thanks.

Ghostdre: How are you?

Ghostinnit: Good.

Ghostbur: I'm great!

Ghostdre: That's good!

Sapnap: Three ghosts.

George: Yeah.

Ghostinnit: Dream. Do you remember this?

Ghostinnit show his compass.

Ghostdre: .....I saw it when.....I forgot when but it is your....what was it?

Ghostinnit: My home?

Tubbo thinks: He....doesn't remember.

Ranboo notice tubbo and he walk to tubbo.

Ranboo: I'm sure he will remember. It's tommy do you remember?

Tubbo smile.

Tubbo: Yeah. Thank you ranboo.

Ghostinnit: F-ck you.


Ghostdre: Language is also swearing.

Bad: ...NO

Sapnap: Yeah. Dream is right.

Ghostinnit: See? He also f-cking swear!


Sapnap, Ghostdre, Ghostinnit: English.

Bad: *Sign*

Ghostbur: Don't bully your friend!

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