Where are they?

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Wilbur: Well bye!

Schlatt: You better come back again.

Dream: Hahaha, I will of course.

Tommy: I....will?

They look at tommy.

Tommy: What?

Schlatt, Wilbur, Dream: You said that....Oh my god!

They hug each other.

Dream: Let's have party!

Wilbur: Yes!


After one hour.

Dream: Okay bye!

All: Bye!

Tommy: Why were you guys so happy?

Dream: Because you said you will come again.

Tommy: Oh no.

Dream: ...Bye? I think?

Tommy: Yeah. Bye.

They close their eyes.

Tubbo: Hey do you know where are ghostinnit and ghostdre?

Sapnap: No. I'm trying to find them.

Tubbo: I have to talk with them.

Sapnap: Me too.

Tubbo: Then find out where they are.

Sapnap: Yeah.

They ask everyone but no one knows.

Tubbo: Where are they?

Sapnap: I don't know. Hey ghostbur!

Ghostbur: Hi friends!

Tubbo: Do you know where are ghostinnit and ghostdre?

Ghostbur: I know! They are-

Ghostdre: Here.

Ghostinnit and ghostdre stand up behind of ghostbur.

Tubbo: Oh where have you been?

Ghostdre: Somewhere.

Sapnap: I want to talk with you.

Ghostdre: Now?

Tubbo: Yes?

Ghostdre: Okay.

Ghostbur: Can i come with you?

Tubbo: Of course ghostbur!

Ghostbur: Thank you.

They walk to forest.

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