Who are you?

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Ghostbur is walking around.

When he walk in forest he find two shadows.

Ghostbur: Hello?

Ghostinnit: H -Hello? W -Who are you?

Ghostbur: I'm ghostbur! Nice to meet you!

Ghostinnit: I'm ghostinnit and-

Ghostdre: I'm ghostdre. Nice to meet you too.

Ghostbur: Have some blue! You look crying!

Ghostdre smile.

Ghostdre: Oh it's because we are always like this....

Ghostbur: Okay.

Ghostdre: Where are we?

Ghostbur: We are in north forest!

Ghostdre: Where is L'Manberg?

Ghostbur: Do you know what L'Manberg?

Ghostdre and Ghostinnit nods.

Ghostbur: Wow! How did you know?!

Ghostdre: ....Do you remember dream and tommy?

Ghostbur: Y...Yes.

Ghostdre: We died. Then we try to revive but....

Ghostbur: Why...you just say "We" not "Them"

Ghostdre: Because it's us. 

Ghostbur notice and hug them.

Ghostbur: We miss you so much! Wait....do you remember?

Ghostinnit: I remember bad and sad things.

Ghostdre: I remember everything but not people....sorry.

Ghostbur: Oh that's fine! Let's go!

Three ghosts walk to l'manberg.

After they arrive ghostbur call everyone.

Tubbo: What do you want to us ghostbur?

Ghostbur: We have...new friends!

Ghostinnit and Ghostdre come out.

Two: Hello...

Everyone surprise.

Tubbo: T -Tommy?

Sapnap: Dream? Tommy?


Ghostdre: Calm down....Ghostinnit.

Ghostinnit look at ghostdre and calm down.

Ghostinnit: Ghostinnit. Nice to meet you.

Ghostdre: I'm...ghostdre. Nice to meet you.

Tubbo: Don't they....remember?

Ghostbur: ....

Tubbo, George and Sapnap start cry.

Tubbo: It's all my fault! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!

Ghostinnit walk to tubbo and hug him.

Ghostinnit: Someone said...hug is best...

Sapnap: ...I'm sapnap. 

Ghostdre: Hello! Do you need something?

George: I'm george....

Ghostdre: Why are you look so sad?

Sapnap: We...We are friends with alive dream.

Ghostdre: Oh! Cool!

Ghostdre hug them.

Ghostdre: Hug is best to calm down!

George: Yeah.

Ghostdre smile.

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