As a ghost?

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Tommy: If you fucked up...then what will happen?

Dream: I think we will be like ghostbur.

Tommy: Ghostinnit? Really?

Dream: Yeah. And....You know

Tommy: We will lose our memory or no?

Dream: Yes....

Tommy: Can I meet tubbo?

Dream: Yeah you can don't remember tubbo....if It wouldn't work.

Tommy: If I can meet tubbo, then that's fine. I think we will remember everything after.

Dream: Okay.

Tommy: So How many days?

Dream: Void is fan.

Tommy: So what?

Dream: Can I stay?

Tommy: F-ck you. I hate here.

Wilbur: Oh Don't say that.

Dream: Yeah. Ghost dance.

Tommy: What?

Wilbur: Oh yeah ghost dance~.

Jshlatt: I love it.

Dream: UNO!

Jshlatt and Wilbur: WHAT?!

Tommy: Of course...His high IQ.

Dream: I'm smartest person in the world!

Tommy: Then I'm the biggest man in this world.

Wilbur: You're child.

Tommy: I'm NOT a child!

Jshlatt: 16 years old ghost child.

Tommy: F-ck you all.

Dream, Wilbur, Schlatt: *Laugh*

Dream: Can we visit after we....revive or become a ghost.

Wilbur: I don't know. But I meet ghostbur.

Dream: Oh so if we become ghost then we can visit.

Tommy: I don't wanna visit here anymore.

Dream: Don't say that to your brothers.

Tommy: No! They are villains! except YOU! GREEN BASTARD!

Dream: But not Mexican dream.

Tommy: He is just loud.

Wilbur: Yeah he is loud more than tommy.

Dream: True.

Jshlatt: Yeah. My ears always hurt.

Tommy: lol

Tommy thinks: It's taking one month and 3 weeks now.

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