I remember...

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Tubbo: Hey tommy!

Ghostinnit: hey.

Tubbo: I wanna ask you and dream something...

Ghostinnit: Will i call ghostdre?

Tubbo: Thank you.

After ghostdre come to them.

Tubbo: Do you remember the war?

Ghostdre: Yes.

Ghostinnit: someone blew up L'manberg and someone kill....person i think my best friend..

Tubbo smile sadly.

Tubbo: Do....Do you remember...exile...?

Ghostdre: Yes....

Ghostinnit: Someone exile me and...I remember....

Tubbo: Do you remember who with you?

Ghostinnit shake his head.

Tubbo: Okay....Thank you for answer me....Bye!

Ghostinnit and Ghostdre: Bye!

Ghostdre: Oh Wilbur say come to void!

Ghostinnit: Who?

Ghostdre: A person who blew up l'manberg!

Ghostinnit: !

Ghostinnit feel something and Someone and myself bring back in hid head.

Ghostdre: Ghostinnit?

Ghostinnit: ....Wilbur soot

Ghostdre: You remember...now?

Ghostinnit: Yeah......

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