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I sat in my bed naked. I would be calling into work tonight, not just because of Tony. I cuddled up to Connor and kissed his cheek. God was he good at this. His hand went to my hips, and I realized what he was thinking.

"I don't wanna know," I spoke quietly.

"I do."

He moved the blanket and dark bruises in the shape of his finger formed on my hips.

"I know you don't feel it, I'm the moment, but I can't hurt you like this Isabelle."

"Connor, it's ok, seriously. It's just something we'll have to work on."

I pulled him into a kiss and he hesitantly kissed me back. We separated and I looked into his eyes.

"I'm not a fragile porcelain doll. I can take some bruising."

"Doesn't mean you should. I'm sorry."

I got up and put my clothes back on I left him naked in my room and plopped on the couch. He was making me a little upset. I turned on the tv and put on a movie. Connor walked out of the room in sweatpants and looked at me. I on the opposite end Connor usually sat at. He sat in his spot and I avoided his gaze. I could feel his eyes on me from the other side of the couch. I felt movement and I knew he was opening his arms to invite me to cuddle. I didn't even glance over. I trained my eyes on the tv. I felt his hand touch my arm and I ignored it.

"Are you really going to ignore me?"

I looked over to him and then looked back at the tv.

"I'm sorry, just come cuddle."

I moved over close to him and I stayed stiff and watched the tv. His hands went to my sides and wrapped around my torso.

"Please just relax Isabelle," he whispered into my ear.

I almost shuddered at the sound. I laid back completely and melted into his arms.


The next night I went back to work. Connor would come and pick me up, but he'd make sure to be early just in case. I went through the night but greeting customers and doing private dances. When I got on stage I got plenty of tips. I did good, really good. After three girls quit in the past three weeks, people needed to fulfill their needs. I'd loaded my bag with money and wiped myself off. I threw on some sweats before looking outside for Connor. I saw him standing outside and walked out to him. I looked around just to check out everything.

"It's ok, let's get going," Connor spoke grabbing my hand.

I nodded and we walked home. I dumped my bag out in the living room and Connor smiled to me.

"I'm proud."

"A lot of new clients today."

I plopped down on the floor and started counting.

"Let me," Connor spoke sitting down.

I smiled and he quickly counted it all.


I smiled.

"That's really good."

He smiled as well and I banded the stacks and grabbed them to put them in the safe in my bedroom. Connor helped and we locked it all in.

"Do you want pizza? I want pizza," I asked smiling widely.


The next night I was scheduled again. I was incredibly happy based on everything going well with everything. It felt weird, but I let the good things carry me through the night. When you're in a good mood, people tend to spend more money. After I filled my bag, I went to the back and wiped down. I looked out the door and didn't see Connor. I looked at the time. He should be here by now. I stepped back and figured he might've gotten called into work. I texted him and let him know I would just walk home in my own. I walked out the door and walked past the alley. I heard a noise coming from it and my heart dropped again.

No, not again. I stepped back and looked into the alley. I saw someone leaning against the alley wall and ran over. Connor sat on the ground blue blood leaking from his mouth.

"Connor?" I asked worriedly.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Hank's number. I put my hand on his cheek and his hand moved slowly up to it.


"Hank, I don't know what happened but connors hurt really bad in the alley by Trish's."

"What? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, but he's bleeding really bad please help."

I threw my phone down and Connor looked into my eyes.

"Connor what happened, what's going on, what do I do?"

His mouth opened and his hand moved from his side.

"H-h-he shot m-e-e."

I looked at his side and pressed down on it. I didn't know what to do, was this even helping? It's what you're supposed to do for humans.

"I-I-I-isab-e-elle, I l-love yo-ou."

His hand fell and I cried.

"I love you too, Connor. Please stay with me, Hank's coming."

One of his hands went to my face and held it. I leaned into his touch and his eyes closed. He led stuttered a little keeping the red color. He looked over and his head struggled to stay upright.

"Hey, Connor you're going to be ok. I can't lose you," I sobbed out.

The hand on my face slowly dropped.


His red led gave me hope. He was still alive. He had to be.

"I love you so much, you can't leave me."

His eyes closed and I heard sirens. Hank ran over to us and looked at Connor.

"Please tell me he's going to be ok."


I sat in a darkly lit room with Hank by my side. The glass windows in front of me showered Connor connected to wires. His led still glowing red. A technician came out of the room and I stood quickly.

"He's going to be ok?" I asked.

"He's going to need a replacement bio component, and a lot of thirium, but he'll be ok. Fortunately his occupation has good insurance, so you won't have to pay anything out of pocket."

I smiled.

"Thank you."

She smiled and walk off. Hank stood and hugged me

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