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I took the bus home. How could he bring up my father like that? What other choice did I have? Work in fast food, get treated like shit, barely make enough to support myself? No, I made decent money at my job, why couldn't he just be supportive of me? I can't take him acting like this. When I got home I went inside and cuddled Olli. He purred as I let him lay on my lap. I got up and got him food. He ate his food and I sat against my couch crying. I pulled my head in between my legs. I just wanted to disappear. I felt ashamed of myself.

Hank was right, my father never would've wanted this for me. He would want me to go into college, get a degree and do whatever I want. Life didn't let that happen. If he wanted that for me he shouldn't have left me here to fend for myself. There was a knock at my door and I was confused. I wiped my eyes and opened my door. Instantly a pair of arms engulfed me. The scent of cheap cologne filtered through my nose. It was oddly comforting. I looked up to see Connor.

"Why are you crying?" He asked me. I pushed him off me.

Why did I think he was someone else? Who did I think it was? He closed my door and I backed away from him.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I need you to leave," I spat out.

"Isabelle, talk to me."

I had to admit I wanted to hug him again. For some reason his smell comforted me and that's all I needed then. I went up to him and hugged him. I cried into his shoulder. He held me close to him. He rubbed my back and shushed me. I melted into his arms. I let myself be vulnerable to him. I just needed someone to hold me for a second or two. When I was out of tears I pulled away ashamed.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled out.

"It's ok. Don't be sorry. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

I shook my head and looked away. He stepped up to me and pushed my chin up with his finger. I looked him in his eyes. My beat went rapid and I grew nervous as to what he was doing. I tired myself out by crying so much. He led me to my bedroom and I sat against my headboard. He sat next to me.

"I've always seen him as a father to me. Especially after my dad passed away. He just... he brought up my dad and said he'd be disappointed in me."

"He doesn't mean it he's just angry."

"He's right. If my dad were alive he'd be pissed. He'd disown me."

I looked at Connor. He grabbed my hand and held it.

"Sometime other people's opinions can't come before yours. Sometimes you just have to let people be angry because they don't understand."

I nodded and sat there is silence.


I woke up and I was cuddling Connor again. I quickly sat up. I freaked out at the android. He looked at me with worry.

"Get out," I said.


"Get out."

I looked away from him. He got up and left my room. I heard my front door close and I sighed. Why did he let me do all of this? Why did I let myself do it all? I hugged him, I let my guard down to some piece of plastic. I looked at my work bag and texted my boss letting her know I was sick and to let someone else take my space for tonight. She sent back an ok and told me to let her know when I'd be back. I was happy she was so lenient. I guess that's how it is when you're a stripper.

I hated the word now. I had a resentment towards the work I did. I laid in bed all day. I fed Olli at night and just went back to my bed. I was tired and upset. My phone buzzed and I turned it off. I didn't want to answer anything. Olli jumped onto my bed after eating and came up to my head. He rubbed against my face and cuddled right next to it. Olli always knew what would make me happy, even for just a second.


The next day I cleaned out the litter box and sat on my couch. I couldn't sit in my room any longer. The couch wasn't anything different. I could go and drink, but even my favorite bar wasn't open this early. I went back to my room and laid on my bed. I hated myself. I smoked and sat around all day. My stomach rumbled and I realized I hadn't eaten anything in almost two days now. I went to my kitchen and didn't find anything I could cook. A knock rang through my apartment and I ignored it. Again it echoed through my apartment. I went to the door and saw Connor through the peephole. Maybe if I just left it he would go away. He knocked and I looked and saw him not moving. I let him knock 3 more times before getting annoyed. I swung open the door.

"Do you have a temperature?"


"You called into work sick. You haven't left your house since Hank and you had a fall out. Do I have permission to scan you?"


"I need proof you aren't planning to commit suicide. I also need proof you've eaten the past two days."

"Are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

My blood ran cold and hot at the same time.

"Why are you here?"

"I already told you."

He pushed past me into my apartment. I scoffed at him.

"What have you eaten today?"

"How did you know I haven't left my house and called into work?"


"How did Hank know I haven't left my house?"

"I talked to your landlord."

The Android's Dancer; RK800Where stories live. Discover now