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I woke up on my bed after the passionate night with Connor. I thought of how he had me pressed against the bed, thrusting into me harshly as I grasped the pillow at the head of my bed.

"I love you," he whispered into my ear.

"I love you too," I moaned out.

I snapped back to reality as Connor sat up.

"Good morning," he said looking to me.

"Morning," I smiled.

I leaned up to kiss him softly. He smiled and I sat up.

"If I overstepped any boundaries last night. You would tell me right?"

"Connor I loved last night."

He nodded. I got up and put some clothes on. I felt Connor's eyes on me as I put pants on. Please don't make a big deal about them, please don't make a big deal. I heard him move and hurriedly pulled them on. His hand touched my side and I looked to him. I hoped he'd take my look as a warning. Don't do it.

"Let me see."

I let him slide the pants down until you could see the lighter than usual bruises on my hips.

"They're lighter than usual," I spoke.

"They're still there."

I turned around and looked at him in the eyes.

"Don't turn this into a bad thing. You're learning to be more careful."

"But I'm still hurting you."

He put on clothes and stormed out of my room and I put on a shirt and followed him into my living room. He started cooking and I went over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso again.

"Please don't be mad."

I turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm going to be mad, you should be too."

"Well I am kind of mad, but only because you're ruining what we had last night."

He rolled his eyes and I got even angrier.

"Was it not good to you?"

He looked me in the eyes.

"It's not the same for you, you're an Android, but that was one of the best nights in my life, and you're ruining it."

"It doesn't matter, I hurt you. I shouldn't be allowed to hurt you."

He slid scrambled eggs onto a plate for me and I looked at him as he washed the pan in the sink.

"Please, just, stop," I said walking over and hugging him from behind again.

"Go eat," he said coldly pulling away.

I looked at him and he avoided my gaze. He put the pan away and turned to me.

"I've got work," he spoke walking towards the door.

"You're just going to leave?"

"I've got work Isabelle, what do you want me to say?"

"That you love me and that you're not trying to be an asshole to me!"


He walked out the door and I grabbed the plate of scrambled eggs and threw them away. I sat down on the couch and Olli jumped up to sit with me. I picked him up and cried as we cuddled. I turned the TV on and watched some Netflix show.


I looked at the clock and it was 7 already. I looked at the front door. He should be back by now right? What if he got attacked again? I got up and grabbed a jacket. I walked out the front door. I called Hank and he said Connor had left about an hour ago. I freaked out and walked through the streets looking for him. I went by the club just in case he was there. I know it's dangerous to go around there alone, but I have no clue where he could be. I looked into the alley beside Trish's and didn't see anything. Suddenly I was pushed to the ground. I quickly looked back to see him, Tony. He grabbed me by my arms and pulled me deeper into the alley. I screamed out, but he quickly covered my mouth. I tried to kick, but he pulled a gun out and pointed it to my head. My stomach fell and I stopped.

"One wrong move and I'll do it."

I looked him in the eyes and he stuck his finger in my mouth.

"You'll be good for me won't you?"

He moved to take my shirt off and I quickly hit his arm. He dropped the gun and quickly dove for it. I tried to get up, but he quickly moved back onto me and shot me in the stomach. I quickly grabbed my stomach and felt the wet liquid draining from me.

"Fuck," he said and got up.

He ran off and I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket. I called Conner and after a few rings he answered.

"Isabelle, plea-"

"H-he shot me."

"What? Where are you?"

"Connor he shot me in the stomach. I-I'm in the alley, he-he tried to make me-"

"It's ok, I'll be there as soon as I can ok? Put pressure on the wound ok?"

"Y-yeah. I love you, I'm sorry."

I started feeling faint and dropped the phone. I pushed on the wound even though it made it hurt worse. I screamed out in agony. I started coughing up blood. I clenched my teeth at the iron taste. I tried to keep my eyes open, but every second they grew heavier. Every moment felt like a year, I just sat there alone waiting for someone to come. I heard footsteps and Connor appeared in front of me.

"Isabelle? Stay with me."

I looked at him. His hands replaced mine and I put my hand on his cheek.

"I went to look for you. I-I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"I'm ok, Hank's on his way with an EMT. You're gonna be ok."

"I feel really tired. My eyes, they're really heavy."

"I know, but you've got to stay awake ok?"

I nodded and coughed up more blood. Connor looked at me worried and his led went red then yellow

"You've lost a lot of blood, but you're going to be ok."

"I-I- I'm scared."

"It's ok, you'll be ok, you're going to survive."

I heard the sirens and looked into Conner's eyes. I've got to stay awake. Conner picked me up and I was laid down in the ambulance.

"You're gonna be ok Mrs. Ross," an EMT told me.

The Android's Dancer; RK800Where stories live. Discover now