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"As a detective of android crimes?"

"Yes, deviants who committed murder."

"What made you turn."


"The leader?"

"I infiltrated Jericho, the safe place for deviants at the time, trying to make an arrest, but Markus helped me open my eyes."


"Do you work with any androids?"

I froze at the question. Did he know where I worked?

"No, were I work is android free."

"Pretty soon it'll be illegal for workplaces to discriminate against androids here in Detroit."

"I hope not."


"I'm making good money because all my coworkers are older. Someone new comes and they look young forever, I'll loose my business."

"Where do you work?"

I froze again. He didn't know. What do I tell them?

"I... uhm-"

"You're an exotic dancer?"

"I... yeah."

I hung my head in shame.

"Does Hank know?"

I looked to him quickly.

"No! Please don't tell him. I'm serious, he'd kill me."

"I won't tell him, but he'll probably figure out eventually."

"Ugh, if he finds out he'll go on about how my dad wouldn't have wanted this for me and yatta yatta."

"I'll try and make sure he doesn't find out."

"Thank you."

He nodded and I cleaned the kitchen after cooking. I looked at Olli when I was done. I picked him up and gave him some love. I felt Connor's eyes on me as I sat Olli on his cat tower. I turned to and met Connor's gaze.

"You've got to stop staring at me."

"Sorry I've never met an exotic dancer before. I like to study different types of people."

"What did you think I did for a living before you scanned me?"

"I don't know. You're house is always dark, black out curtains on every window and soft lighting. You wear baggy, more conservative clothes in your free time. You don't look like an exotic dancer."

"You can call me a stripper, I dont care. What do you think I'm gonna do? Wear my work clothes all over town? I save my body for work."

He scoffed.


"People can still see your body, it's just clouded with baggy clothes."

"But you can't see everything. You can't see what makes me money. You can only imagine."

He looked at me for a second and blushed. I turned around, I guess he took that as an invitation to picture me in a bikini.

"Sorry," he said.

"It's ok, men do it all the time."

"That doesn't make it right. I won't recreate that image again."

I sighed and went to my room. I decided I wanted to shower.

"I'm going to shower," I said quickly as I went into my bathroom.

I closed the door and ran the water. My curtain was see through but hazed over. I stepped in and started washing my hair. When I was done I stood in the shower. The hot water felt good against my skin. I thought back to Connor blushing. I wonder what he thought I looked like. Especially since he blushed like that. Why did it matter? He was just an android. I got out and went to my room. I put on some pajamas and watched a movie on my phone. When it started getting dark again I looked out my window. It had stopped snowing.

I left my room and saw Connor sitting on my couch.

"It stopped snowing," I said.

He turned to me and nodded.

"I'll be on my way," he said.

He got up and left. Olli came running at the door when he noticed Connor leaving. I texted my boss and let her know I could work a shift tomorrow night. She texted me back with an ok. I went to my room and laid down.


After work I changed in the back into my street clothes. I pulled my hair into a bun and left after grabbing my money bag. I shoved it into my bag and walked out the back door. I'd made a decent amount that night. With my regulars and some newer guys, It was a good night. Even the new guys never strayed beyond my rules. The club had strict rules, but I made it clear to anyone who got a private dance, I was untouchable. The moment someone laid a hand on me they were thrown out. Luckily no one broke that rule tonight. As I walked past the parking lot I noticed Hank's car. I hid behind a wall as I noticed he was still in it. Fuck. Connor didn't tell him right? That piece of shit plastic prick. I started off in a new direction towards a different bus so I could get home. There was no way I was getting caught by Hank. Maybe he'd think Connor was lying or something. I sighed as I got onto a bus.


Instead of going home I went to the same bar I went to when I got attacked by the android. Maybe Hank would find me in here. If he did I would just tell him I don't work there. I ordered some whiskey and counted my money from tonight. I sat my duffle bag in front of my feet.

"That's a lot of money to be carrying around," the bartender said.

I nodded. I wasn't interested in his advice.

"I'm serious, be careful out there you never know what'll happen," I slid my cup towards him to show I wanted more.

He filled my glass again and I looked at him.

"I've got a taser, I'll be fine."

"Stay safe," he mumbled as he went to another customer.

I nodded and the door open. I looked over to see Hank walking in. I looked back at my drink and he sat next to me.

"What's up chick."

"Hey Hank. How's everything going?"

"Doing pretty good. Why you have a duffle bag? Trying to hide a body."

"Yup, you've got me. Cuff me," I joked putting out my arms for him.

He laughed and ordered a drink. The bartender stopped for a second before leaving us.

"You know each other? Hank here is my regular customer. Hell most nights he gets close to drinking me dry."

Hank laughed.

"Yeah, family friends."

He looked at me and smiled. He took a drink of his drink and raised it to me. I dinked my glass against his and smiled as well.

The Android's Dancer; RK800Where stories live. Discover now