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When I left the bar late at night I stumbled on my way out. I bumped into someone I'd never met and the LED on it's forehead showed it was an android. I looked at it and immediately looked away continuing my walk home. I'd definitely drank too much. I fell down and looked around to see if anyone saw. The stupid android looked at me and I got back up and on my way. I felt like I was going to vomit so I went to the curb and threw up. God I need to start drinking less. I felt a hand on my back and I turned quickly. The android stood there.

"Are you ok? Do you need me to call someone to pick you up?"

I pushed it off of me.

"Fuck off, don't need your help."

"I was just making sure you're ok."

"I said fuck off."

I pushed it again and this time hard enough for it to hit the fence on the other side of the sidewalk. I watched as he gained his balance and looked at me in my eyes.

"Stop staring at me. I said fuck off!"

Me being drunk attempted to scare it off with a lunge forward. In a millisecond it had its hands around my neck holding tightly.

"Help! Get the fuck off me!"

I screamed out as the deviant held me by my neck. I felt something sharp press against it. I can't go like this. I won't die like my father. I kicked and wiggled to get out of it's grip.

"I just wanted to help."


It's hand covered my mouth and I bit it.

"Biting me won't help."

A cop came out of the bar with a gun in his hand. An android stepped beside him and I looked at the man with hope.

"Get this thing off me!" I yelled.

"HR-400 step away from her," the android said.

"No, I just wanted to help her! She lunged at me!"

"Stay away from the girl," The cop said.

"No I'll be shut down."

"Let go of the girl or I'll shoot you," The cop said.

He started to step back away from the cop and I dragged my feet. His grip around my neck tightened and I struggled to breathe. I gasped for air. In an instant I fell to the ground and a ringing filled my ears. I kneeled over and breathed heavily. The cop came over to me and helped me up. The android stood over the one that just tried to kill me. I recognized the cop now that my mind wasn't hazed.


I hugged him.

"Holy shit, what were you doing out this late?"

"Drinking just like you, I'd left about 20 minutes ago when tincan over there grabbed me. God I'm never drinking this much again."

"Wanna go get a burger and head to the station? I just need you to confirm what happened. We have to turn in any destroyed androids."

"I guess."

Hank started to walk and the android picked up the broken one. I followed Hank and swayed a little with my walk.

"Her blood alcohol concentration is a .16, we should probably wait until she's sober to get a confirmation Hank."

"Shut it, Connor," he said.

I laughed and tried to catch up to Hank. I got into the front seat of his car and Connor got into the back with the broken android.

"That thing is so creepy."

"It's an HR-400 therefore a Traci model and was a deviant. So I assume you could say he is creepy."

"It is creepy, creepy as fuck. I was puking and he came out of no where and just grabbed me."

"He said you lunged at him," Connor said.

"Yeah I barely moved, I was trying to scare it away from me. It started touching me while I was puking. I didn't like it. Are you trying to say I provoked it?"

I stared ahead of me.

"That's not what I meant Isabelle Ross."

"Ok don't scan me, seriously it's weird. I feel like it should be illegal."

"Yeah a lot if things he does should be illegal."

"You break into his house one time," Connor said.

I laughed.

"Didn't know it had comedy programs," I said gently hitting Hank's arm.

He looked to me.

"So how you doin kid? I haven't seen you in what a year?"

"Probably about that. Y'know after... everything... i kinda stopped talking to people."

His hand went to mine and squeezed.

"I'm always here for you girlie. Don't forget that."

I nodded.

"Thanks Hank, it means a lot and thank you for saving me without you... who knows what I'd be right now."

"Enough of that, you're a strong girl. You would've found a way. Kick some tin ass."

We laughed together as he stopped at our favorite burger place.

"I don't think this is the heal-" Connor started.

"Shush," I told him.

I got out and bought Burgers for us and went back to the car.

"They're on me this time," I said handing two to Hank.

"That's my girl."

I smiled and ate my Burger as Hank drove to the station.


I sat in a room with one of those mirrors that people can see you through. Hank asked me questions and I answered them honestly. When he was done he asked me if I needed a ride home. I nodded and he went out to get his car. Connor sat on the bench next to me and I ignored him. I sat back and started feeling tired. I drifted off waiting for Hank.


I woke up in the arms of someone I didn't know. I jolted up and it was Connor.

"You're awake, Hello Isabelle."

"Why are you carrying me?" I asked trying to get down.

"You fell asleep waiting for Hank to pull up his car."

"So you could've just woke me up."

The snow started falling harder and I hurried to get inside. Before I could close my door Connor stopped me.

The Android's Dancer; RK800Where stories live. Discover now