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I felt my heart in my stomach as I ran. My lungs felt like they were on fire. I saw Connor and he noticed me instantly. He ran to me and we collided. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't know what to do. What just happened. What am I supposed to do. I can't go back to work. Tony will find me, he will kill me. Why did I tase him?


I was pulled from my mind by Connor looking me in the eyes, holding my face so I would look at him.

"What happened? Are you ok?"

"M-my taser."

"Where's your taser?"

"Tony. I tased him Connor. Why did I tase him he's going to kill me."

"Hey, shhh, he's not going to kill you. I'm here. I've got you."

"He was going to hurt her. She was on the ground. I didn't know what to do."

"It's ok, you did the right thing. Where is she?"

"I ran. I dropped my taser and ran."

"Where did it all happen?"

"In the alleyway next to the club."

He pulled me into a hug.

"Are you ok?"

"Tony was my customer."

"You'll get a different one."

"That could've been me, Connor"

"But it wasn't and that's ok."

"I left her there."

"She has your taser she's ok."

"What if she's not we have to go back."

"I'll call Hank, you're not going back there."

"Please Connor what if she's hurt?"


His led went yellow and his eyes went cloudy.

"Hank this is Connor, there's been a crime in the alleyway next to the club Isabelle works at. There was a girl-"

"She was an android."

Connor looked down at me.

"An android girl was attacked by a man who goes by Tony. He was tased by Isabelle and then Isabelle dropped her taser and ran away... yes... she's ok... I found her on my way to pick her up... yes... she's a bit shaken up but nothing else... ok bye."

He looked to her.

"She was an android?"

"She's a new girl in the club. She's been stealing my customers. She accused Tony of assaulting her and he was banned from the club. She tried to crush his balls."

"How are you feeling about all of this?"

"Scared, tired, I left my duffle bag."

"We'll head over there, talk to Hank, get your things, and make sure she's ok."

I nodded and we walked hand in hand back to the club. My mind was racing with all of the things that I could be about to see. We got close and I saw police cars. I saw Hank talking to the girl. He looked over and so did she. She was crying and her eyes went wide when she saw me. Hank walked over to me. He pulled me into a hug.

"You're ok? He didn't touch you?"

"I'm ok Hank."

"This is why I don't want you..."

He drifted off realizing this wasn't the time.

"I'm sorry Isabelle. Your bags were besides the alley along with your taser."

"I can have it back?"

He nodded.

"I'll go get it all. You should talk to her. She's grateful."

I turned back to Connor and he pulled me into a hug. I felt eyes on me.

"Yes, she's watching us. She doesn't understand how you could hate her, but date me."

"I don't-"

"I know, but she doesn't. You should go talk to her."

"I'm scared."

"She wants to thank you."

"I don't want to be thanked."

"Do it for her."

I looked up to him.

"Do it for me."

I gave him a quick kiss and turned around. The girl quickly looked away. I walked over to her feeling extremely guilty.

"Hey, I'm sorr-"

She pulled me into a hug cutting me off. I patted her back not knowing what to do.

"Thank you, you saved my life," she sobbed into my back.

I didn't even think androids could cry.

"It's ok, I would've done it for anyone."

"Well I know you w-werent exactly happy about me being hi-"

"It's fine, it happens when anyone gets hired. Customers flock to them because they're new. I'm sorry for how I treated you."

"It's fine I've had worse."

I looked over to Connor and he was talking to Hank. He noticed me and looked over and smiled.

"So you're dating an RK800? How did you meet?"

"I got attacked, by an android outside a bar. He works with my uncle," I said pointing to Hank.

Him and Connor were talking again most likely about a case. Connor looked over again.

"You must really be in love."

I looked to her.

"I'd say so."

Hank walked away and Connor came over to us.

"Hi, my name is Connor."

"I'm Anastasia."

"Nice to meet you, although not in these conditions."

She laughed a little.

"Yeah it's definitely not the best way to meet another android."

I looked at them and a pang of jealousy hit me. I'd never understand him the way she does. I looked over to see Hank making his way over. I silently thanked god I wouldn't be stuck here listening to the two.

"I'm glad you two are ok. And I'm glad you bring a taser with you Isabelle," he said.

The android looked over to him.

"I'm going to quit, I won't have to worry about this happening again."

I looked to her quickly. I didn't say anything because it was her decision not mine.

"Connor is staying with you right?" Hank asked.

I nodded.

"Good, I doubt this Tony guy knows where you live, but I'm going to talk to your manager to find out some more information on him. He ran off before we got here."

A wave of fear washed over me.

"He'd always asked if I want to go somewhere quieter, like his house or something. I always said no, for obvious reasons," I spoke.

I started tearing up thinking about what could've happened if he had me outside of the club alone. Connor pulled me into his chest again.

"It's ok, try not to think about what could have happened, and think about how you can protect yourself from now on," Connor whispered into my ear.

I nodded and wiped my eyes.

The Android's Dancer; RK800Where stories live. Discover now