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I sat in the waiting area alone now. Hank had gotten the footage from the technician and was investigating the case. The technician told me she had a few tests to do, and then I could go in and he'd be good to go. I watched as she took a weird looking needle and put it in the back of his neck. His led went from black to red. I watched as it shifted to yellow and spun a couple times. Then it turned to blue and I felt a weight fall off my shoulders. She spoke and he sat up. His eyes opened and I smiled. He turned to her and she smiled. His led turned yellow and he stared straight ahead. It turned blue again and she smiled.

He stood and she gave the window a thumbs up. Connor walked out of the room and when he saw me he ran over and hugged me tightly.

"Isabelle," he sighed picking me up slightly.

"I'm so glad you're ok," I spoke.

I tested up a little and he quickly wiped it.

"I'm ok because of you."

"You're in this mess because of me."

He frowned and shook his head. I held his hand and he looked into my eyes.

"You said..."

I looked to him and looked down slightly.

"You don't have to-"

"I love you Connor," I cut him off.

He smiled and hugged me again.

"I love you too, Isabelle."

We left and went back home. It felt weird to be back. Hank had brought my things home for me, so my money bag was sitting on my the couch. Hank had also fed Olli for me. Olli saw us and ran over rubbing against both of our ankles.

"Did you miss us?"

Olli meowed and I picked him up.

"Did you not come back here since you left?"

I shook my head.

"I didn't want to leave you."

He looked at me worriedly.

"Let me make you some dinner."

"Connor you just come back from Android hospital. I can make my own dinner."

"Android hospital is different from human hospital. I'm perfectly fine, I don't have a recovery period."

I wrapped my arms around his torso and glared at him.

"You do according to me."

"At least let me help."

I shook my head.

"I actually wanted to doordash Chinese food."

He smiled and hugged me.

"That works."

I hugged him tightly.

"Hey," he said pulled my chin up so I'd look at him, "I'm never going to leave you."

I looked at him, shocked.

"I promise," he said rubbing my back.


I picked up the phone in the middle of shoving noodles into my mouth.

"Hello?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Isabelle?" Hank asked.

"Mmm," I swallowed fast, "Yeah, what's up?"

"We've lost him."

My heart sunk.

"I thought you knew where he was staying."

"We thought we knew. He moved place knowing we'd find him. He's most likely still in Detroit. I don't want you going back to work for a while."

"Hank I don't have that luxury."

Connor put his hand on my thigh.

"I have more than enough money to pay for things."

"You know how I feel about that."

"It means you'll be safe. Tony is a dangerous man. I have easily replaced parts, you don't."

I sighed.

"I guess I'll take time off," I spoke.

Hank thanked me and told me he'd get back to me with anything he hears. I thanked him and hung up.

"He's ruining my life," I spoke.

"You have me," Connor spoke.

"He tried to ruin that too."

I lost my appetite, so I folded the box back closed.

"You should eat some more."

"Not hungry."

He frowned and I put the leftovers in the fridge. I went back to the couch and cuddled up to Connor. I played some comedy shows and we watched tv together.


After calling my boss to let her know I'd be taking some time off, I got in the shower and washed everything off. I realized that I still had some thirium on my neck. I thought about Connor and how he might still have some thirium in him. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself.

"Do you need to shower?"

He looked to me.

"Uhm, probably."

"I just remembered I had thirium on me. You might still have some on yourself."

He went into the bathroom and took his shirt off. He had some thirium trailed from his shoulder to where he was shot. I tied my towel up and grabbed a wash cloth from a drawer by my sink. He looked at the thirium and I got the wash cloth wet. I stood next to him and started to wipe it away. I wiped the now dark blue thirium off his perfect skin. I moved further down and slowly wiped from his shoulder down to his side. I noticed a little on his neck and went to wipe it. He watched me closely and I wiped the remaining thirium off. I backed up to double check I'd gotten it all. I washed off the washcloth and looked back to him.

"Thank you," he spoke quietly.

"No problem."

For some reason the air had gotten thick. It felt weird. We stood staring at each other for a second. Suddenly his hand went to the back of my neck and pulled me into a passionate and hungry kiss. The sexual tension had grown too thick to handle. I put my hands around his neck and played with his hair. He suddenly spun me around and bent me over the sink. He was being rough and it was sexy. He pulled the towel off me and took in my body for a second. I looked in the mirror and saw him admiring me.

"Can I..." he said into my ear after leaning over me.

I nodded abruptly and he pulled his pants down. He quickly pushed inside of me and thrusted harshly into me against the sink. I moaned out and his hand went to my neck. He forced my head up and made me watch myself in the mirror. He smiled as I looked up and saw my face. The look of pure ecstasy spread across it as he thrusted faster.

The Android's Dancer; RK800Where stories live. Discover now