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Greyson walked into the Waffle House with an annoyed look on his face as he slid into the booth next to Briar. She didn't say anything to him, but Myrick had no problem speaking. She liked the man, he was witty and funny and she could see he was someone loyal to Greyson.

"Everything good?" Myrick asked as he sipped on his coffee. Greyson shook his head as the waitress walked up, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head. Briar's temper started to slightly boil as this woman started to flirt with Greyson. She asked what he wanted to drink and he ordered coffee, but she didn't leave right away.

"I hate to ask, but can I get your autograph?" She slightly squealed. Briar winced. Greyson grinned politely and nodded. She handed out her notepad to him and he took the thing with their order on it and signed the bottom of it. The woman was eccentric as she walked away and called out their order. Briar felt jealous for some reason, though she wasn't sure why. Briar picked up her orange juice and sipped on it for a moment.

"Quinton found out that P.I. service that Leon hired doesn't even exist. He's supposed to be meeting with Carrie May this afternoon for answers," Greyson said looking stressed as he placed his hand high on Briar's thigh. She swallowed her juice hard and had to set it down. She coughed a little and glanced at Greyson who had a boyish grin on his face.

"You, okay?" Myrick asked nervously.

"I'm fine" Briar said as she cleared her throat. She was far from fine, she felt more frustrated now than she had been before. She wondered what those hands of his could do and she got the answer a lot quicker than she meant to. However, she was definitely not complaining. She still felt hot, she had wanted so much more, but Greyson bolted. A part of her was torn apart, but the other part understood. He didn't want to push her, she made it clear the other day that she wasn't going to let that happen in the slightest. She chewed on her lip as she looked out the window, squeezing her thighs tight, remembering those hands touching her just a moment more.

The small waitress bustled back with Greyson's drink and walked away once more, leaving Greyson gripping Briar's thigh, dangerously high as he spoke to Myrick. Why was this damn man having this kind of affect on her? Was she still star stuck? Now that she thought about it, besides that morning and the first night they kissed, Briar had been the one to initiate all the kissing. She was definitely out of her zone and needed to hop right back in it. More people began to come in, including Jane-Anne and most of the bridal party.

"Oh god," Briar whispered and ducked down into the booth. It was too late though. Jane-Anne came right up and shoved Myrick over and sat down.

"Howdy," she said to Myrick before she turned to Greyson and Briar.

"Tsk-Tsk, bailed on my bachelorette party for a set of beautiful brown eyes. For shame dear sister, for shame," she immediately teased.

"Will you shove a cork in that fat thing you call a mouth, Jane?" Briar hissed. Jane-Anne giggled.

"It's alright, I like Greyson, however," she turned to Greyson, "I don't like your brother, and if he comes near any of my bridesmaids again, I will rip his manhood off and feed it to my pet pig, Donna, k?" Jane-Anne said bitterly, though she wore a smile.

"Be my guest," Greyson chuckled without question.

"What'd he do?" Briar asked curiously. The waitress came up and took Jane's order before disappearing once more.

"Launa, and Penny..." she paused, "and Marissa." Briar's mouth fell open.

"Wow, that's uh," Myrick stammered, "not as bad as I thought." Greyson and him burst out laughing.

"I fail to find it funny. Launa is married, Marissa is going through a divorce and Penny? Well, Penny is one bad break up away from a mental institution," Jane-Anne turned on Myrick. He smiled at her.

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