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Briar pulled up to her house, her heart hurting more than she ever thought possible as she got out and walked up the steps. Cordelia and Eli were right behind her as they pulled up and got out. Briar would have to go to Lani's after while to get Cookie, but until then she wanted to take a hot shower and sob at the heart break she caused. Briar stuck the key in her door and looked up, noticing a paper bag. Her stomach dropped as she stepped back. She reached up with a shaky hand to look inside.

Chris's threat played in her head. Had he stuck that there? Or was it another gift from David? Briar slowly opened the bag, her heart slowing once she recognized a small painted trinket. She reached in past the papers and pulled out a flat rock. It was one of the ones painted from the flea market, Greyson had bought two that day. She never noticed the one he picked out. She looked at it closely. There was a boy standing on one cliff and a girl standing on the other with the moon rising above the ocean behind them. Behind the boy's back were flowers and around both of them were stars. Briar felt tears prick at her eyes.

"What's that, sweetie?" Cordelia asked as her and Eli walked up. Eli opened the door and ran inside the house while Briar stood there, looking at the small gift.

"It's something from Greyson," she remarked as she walked inside and over to her table. She set the rock down and pulled out several papers and a set of keys fell out. Briar looked confused. Her eyes wandered to the smaller folded papers with the words "The Woman Who Has My Heart." Briar hesitated for a moment.

"If you don't pick it up and read it, I'm going to," Cordelia said from behind. Briar sighed as she grabbed it and opened it. The letter was three pages. She gulped and then read it out loud.


My mother always taught me God places obstacles in our paths to teach us life lessons. She also taught me he would send us gifts when we needed them the most in our lives too. I've never been a religious man myself, though mama tried. However, I can't deny that meeting you was a gift in every way, shape, and form. From the moment you almost ran me down in the middle of the road, to our first date, to tonight, saying goodbye. You've been a whirlwind that's taken the very breath from my lungs, making it impossible to breath without you.

"People constantly throw around that they've never felt a certain way about someone before, when they actually have, but they just forgot. In all honesty, I truly have no doubt that how I feel, every time you just look at me, I have never felt before. I've never wanted, no, I've never needed some one so badly in my life. Then tonight, I let you down. I went to the wedding, not to sing for Jane-Anne, but for you. I wanted to win you back, whatever it took, but then I saw you. The weight of your stormy eyes pulled me under, then your smile made my heart break all over again, and for the life of me, I couldn't tell you. So here we are, with me gone and leaving only a letter.

"I can't make things right, I know that, but I can make sure that you and Eli will never want for anything again. Now, before you get all huffy like I know you love to do, sweetheart, just know I also did this for selfish reasons. In the bag, you will find not only the keys, but also the deed and a few other papers to Joe's Diner. I bought it but think of it as an investment. I am sole owner, but, for all intents and purposes, you will be also the owner. You will run the place however you see fit. Manage it however you want. I have someone coming up from Dallas to help renovate the entire place any way you want. You will run and own Joe's. Any money you make from here on out is yours. All I'm here to do is sign your check. Also, your first month's salary is in there as well. I hope it's enough to get you started. If you need more, call Myrick, his number is also in the papers, he will help with whatever you need.

"I'm sorry for any heartache, any pain I've caused. That was never my intention. I meant what I said before. You are and always will be the one for me, and I hope one day you can forgive me for running like a dog with its tail tucked. You will have my heart until my last breath in this world Briar Rose Davis.

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