The Beginning

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(Aurora's POV)

"RISE AND SHINE, Rora!", came James' voice through the door.

I groaned while rubbing my eyes.

"Just five more minutes, bro ", I mumbled back loud enough for him to hear.

"I would have given you five more minutes if it was a Sunday. Now GET UP IT'S 7:35!"

I jumped out of my bed and quickly opened the door.

"What the heck James, why didn't you wake me up sooner." I snapped at his face.

" I was knocking on the door for the last fifteen minutes, sleeping beauty", He replied with a smug look knowing how much I hate this nickname.

However I didn't waste my time by arguing with him and quietly passed him and went to the bathroom. After freshing up I ran to the kitchen poured some milk (my usual breakfast) in a glass and drank it and then went to my room collect my bag. When I came outside the sight surprised me. James was waiting for me and was looking serious.

"Are you alright? You are looking serious?", I asked emphasizing on the word serious.

" Not funny Rora, it's not the time for joking", he replied in a matter-of-fact voice.

Okay, if he was admitting that there exists a time not suitable for joking then I was sure that he wasn't alright.

"It is 7:45 now. If we don't reach the school in 15 minutes which I know we won't then Professor Victor won't let me try out for the team", he told me.

Oh, Crap! I totally forgot that today was the tryouts for the school volleyball team and looking at his face it's obvious that he had forgotten about it too.

"Sorry I didn't remember about that tryout at all", I apologized," I guess it was because I was working on.."
I clapped a hand to my forehead.

"What happened?", he asked me totally confused.

" Give me a minute", I told him darting back to my room.
I came back a holding my latest invention.

"What's it?", he asked.

"It's your life saver big brother", I replied with a smirk and put down the hoverboard and stood on it.

"A HOVERBOARD!", he exclaimed wide eyed" But are you sure it's safe".

"Yeah, I was testing it last night and that's why I woke up late. Now come on if you don't wanna miss the tryout."
He hesitated for a moment but then got up on it behind me and then I started it with full speed.

"AAARRGGGHHHH!" he screamed clearly frightened by the speed. I rolled my eyes at the drama queen.

People on the road were gaping at us. And why won't they? You don't see a hoverboard everyday in real life. But people gaping at me was common experience for me. For instance when I was in a 3rd standard and was dared by my friends to break a vase in the principal's office. They had set me that stupid dare to get me expelled cause they were jealous of my marks. But true to my words I did that dare. I first hacked the school cameras by the school computer in the computer period, slipped in principal's office when it was empty and did my dare neat and cleanly. After I told my so called friends what I had done and they reported me to the Principal. I really felt betrayed that day, I mean did they want to get me expelled so much ?
Ha! But they didn't succeed for which teacher would believe that a 3rd class student is capable of hacking and on top of that I had a clean reputation of a top-of-the-class. Obviously when I returned to the class without any detention they were gaping at me. And it was just one of my little adventures.
So anyways we reached the school gate and got off the hoverboard. James checked in his watch.
It was 7:55. He sighed with relief and said," Thanks sis, you are a life saver, you and your little inventions."

With that he left for his class. I looked at him going for a few seconds and turned to go to my own class with a sad look. My brother was the only friend I had now. We weren't birth siblings. Almost 16 years ago his parents had found me on their doorsteps. I was one year old at that time. I had no idea about who my real parents were. They had left me on the doorstep with nothing more than a blanket, a note on which my name was written and an amulet . The amulet was very much beautiful. It has beautiful emerald green jewel and pretty pinkish-silver chain.

I still wear it everywhere and never take it off. Two years earlier my adoptive parents got killed in a car crash and now I am James had to take care of ourselves alone. Thanks to the insurances of our parents that we don't have to worry about money. At least not now. I am currently planning to join N.A.S.A. after completing the studies and James says that he wants play volleyball in Olympics. I know that he is a really good player but I hope that he would consider a more possible career by realizing our financial conditions.

"Oooh!Look our nerd is back."
I realized that I had reached the class and looked up to see one of my old friends. I ignored her and went to my usual seat at the end of the classroom.
After a minute or so Professor Roberts, the physics teacher entered the class. He started the lecture. It was about electromagnetism, I knew about it all already so I started dozing off and didn't realize that he just asked a question.

" So, who can tell that what is a black body?"he asked. Every one sat with blank face except me who was feeling really sleepy.

"Miss.Harrison can you?"

My name snapped me out of my daze.
"Wh-What, sir?" I asked confused.

" I asked that can you tell me what is a black body?"

"Oh- a black body is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation, regardless of
frequency or angle of incidence" I recited the definition I had learnt in class 5th.

"Very good but next time pay attention in class."
I nodded. The bell rang and he left the class. The rest of the day was not much eventful. After the last period (of English) ended I went to my locker to collect my hoverboard and waited outside the school gate for James. I spotted him coming towards me with a big grin which meant that he made it to the team again. But when he approached near I saw a scar on his forehead.

"How did you get this scar?" I asked when he reached me.

"Oh, I-I tr-triped" he replied hesitantly and I knew that he was lying but I suggred it off.

We started walking back towards the house because he was too afraid to ride on my hoverboard again.

"BOOM!" When we were halfway to our journey we heard a loud bang and saw something falling from the sky towards the hill behind the school.

"What was that?" James asked me.

"Well there is only one way to find out," I said putting my hoverboard down again.

"You can't go there, it can be dangerous."

Ah! My overprotective brother.
"How can you say that without going there. So are you coming with me or not?" I asked him while stepping on the hoverboard.
He hesitated again but stepped on it too. I toke off towards the hill. And at that time I had no idea about the magical adventure which was waiting for me.

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