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San Francisco
Secret base of the Dark Commandos
Third Floor:

(Matilda's POV)

"Now how can you explain me why did he escaped this time !!" I shouted to the man who was cowering down on the floor.

My blood was boiling more than ever. How can everything go so wrong when we were so close to our goal a week ago?? After lots of efforts all was going on as the planned. Prince Samuel had been teleported to the earth straight to our base as we wanted but because of this foolish man's mistake who is in front of me now Samuel teleported to the wrong room and just because of that we weren't able to capture him.

"Tell me Minister Weston, was it a mere mistake or have your loyalties shifted to the crown?" I asked him in my most sweetly dangerous voice.

He whimpered and even my other soldiers in the room shivered a bit, hearing me talk in my most scary manner.

"Of c-course no Captain Matilda, my loyalty is only to the Dark Lord till my last breadth." He pleaded.

"Really?" I said mocking a look of confusion,"But then it makes me wonder that how can such a loyal commando make that mistake."

"It was my grandson's fault, Captain. I had strictly instructed him to rotate the dial of the machine before Samuel teleported but he got a bit late and that's why he teleported in the wrong room," Minister Weston said.

But hearing that a stupid teenager's mistake destroyed our well developed plan again didn't calmed down my anger.

"Can your dear grandson Xavier do anything right??We had told him to be friends with the royal kids to get close to them and spy on them but what happened? Sam broke up his friendship with him within a month-" I snapped at him but then he cut me off and said,
"It was the fault of those Smiths' daughter, Diana. She caused a fight between them-"


I threw a sharp ice crystal at him from my sword which barely missed his forehead.

"Never ever dare to interrupt me again,"I sapt at him,"If only you didn't hold the Minister's position at the council then my shot would have gone straight through the thick skull of yours, but fortunately for you, you are the most valuable spy we have got."

At this he spoke again,"I have got an important news, Captain."

"And that'll be?" I asked really curious this time.

"That girl who had helped the prince to escape was Aurora."

All the soldiers in this room started gasping and whispering.

"Silence!" I shouted and the silence fell immediately. Then I turned to Weston and said in a hushed voice," by Aurora do you really mean Aurora Carter?"

He nodded.

There was a complete pause.

After a few minutes of silence-

"Very well then, it seems that now I will have a lovely little reunion with my niece," I said with a wicked grin,"all of you now go out of this room. I need to think alone."

All of them nodded and started leaving. After the room was empty I slumped down on my armchair and started thinking. Aurora, the last time I had seen this girl was when she became one year old, at her birthday party.

"Really Mia, your daughter looks soooo cute that I can't take my eyes off her." I told Miranda as I gently tickled one year old Aurora.

"I am glad that you could come today, Tilly. " chuckled Mia.

"How could I have missed the first birthday party of my lovely niece! But aren't Natasha or Garrick coming too?" I asked her. It seemed really weird that they hadn't come to the first birthday of their best friends' daughter. But the second I asked this question, I wish I hadn't because the atmosphere of the room changed. Henry and David who were playing chess stopped suddenly and a grim expression came on their faces.

Mia looked a bit tensed.
"I-I think that they are busy in some royal stuff," she said hesitantly.

Before I could respond Henry, my big brother said,"Busy! Who are you kidding Mia? You should accept the fact that they hate us now."

"They don't hate us, it's just a misunderstanding!" Mia protested.

Now I really confused. What the hell is going on here.

"Just a misunderstanding! Then care to explain me that why haven't they spoken a single word to us in the past one year? Why didn't they even informed us about the birth of their children? WHY DID HE WENT AWAY WITH ALL THE LOST SPECTRUM'S RESEARCH WHICH WE ALL HAD DONE TOGETHER!" He thundered.

Both me and Mia flinched and Aurora started crying. Mia took her up and tried to calm her down. I looked helplessly towards David. He was sitting silently, watching all the commotion. Catching my glance he cleared his throat and spoke up," It's all your own fault Henry."

"My fault?" snapped Henry.

"Yes, your fault. Had you listened to us and not started the spectrum, none of this would have happened. In my opinion Garrick was right to take away the rest of the information from you or God knows what would have happened." said David in a calm but firm voice.

"The spectrum experiment wasn't a fault. You can't even imagine what power it holds, you aren't aware what capability it has given me." Henry hissed at him.

"Yes, I may not be aware of that," continued David in the same calm tone ,"but I am perfectly aware of the negative effects it has done on you. Look at yourself now. You are shouting at my sister, your own wife and making your daughter cry on her own birthday. You aren't controlling your powers, your powers are controlling you."

"No one can control me, Everything that I am doing is for the greater good."

"And what's your so called greater good?" interrupted Mia,"To take over the earth and make the people leaving there our servants?"

What the heck is she talking about, I thought.

"Yes, it's the greater good. The earth belonged to us! Our ancestors lived there before the Great Flood!" Henry said,"And those humans who live there now are nothing more than a bunch of cruel, weak, gold diggers who are degrading the earth."

Mia carefully put Aurora in her cradle and then said quietly,"I think that the party is over."

There was an awkward silence

Henry finally calmed down a little and said,"I'm sorry Mia, I shouldn't have shouted."

"It's alright,"Mia said shaking her head,"I suppose you miss Natasha and Garrick. I do too.....Let's-let's just forget it all."

We all nodded. I sighed in relief. Atleast this matter settled down....for now....or so I had thought.


I chuckled at the memory. At that time I had no idea that the argument was just a beginning to a revolutionary change. It was one of the spark that ignited the war. How much has my life changed from then. At that time I was the sweet newly graduate Tilly. Now I am Matilda, the severe Captain of the Dark Commandos.
So Aurora is back now. I think that now we don't have to wait for too long. Once she's captured, the Dark Lord will rise again,we will crush Garrick under our foot, and I will be able to take my revenge from David.


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