Avalor's Palace and King Garrick

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(Aurora's POV)

Suddenly the door banged open and all of us jumped from our seats. We saw five men in a silver police like uniform with heavy guns entering the lab.
One of them came forward, maybe their leader with his gun pointed towards us.

He said," Hands u-" but then he paused for a moment when he saw Sam ,"Prince Samuel! What are you doing here and who are these people?"

"Actually Sir Frederick, I got lost at the museum, accidentally found the teleporting device of the Dark Commandos, ended up at Earth and... well it's a long story," Sam replied.

The man, Sir Fredrick, I suppose, raised his eyebrows at him in disbelief and I won't blame him because it really sounded like a very stupid cock-and-bull-story.

"Very well then, who are these people?" He asked again after an awkward silence.

"Oh, this boy, James is the son of late Commander Warren,"Sam introduced James and then pointed towards me and continued,"And she's Aurora Carter."

Okaay, I had totally not expected what happened next.

Two men dropped their guns and gasped in what I thought over-dramatic way. One man grunted in disgust but at least Sir Frederick and one other soldier remained calm but they were also looking throughly shocked.

"Okay then, I will drop you all to the palace. Follow me" Sir Frederick finally spoke, motioned us to follow him and exited the lab. I and James glanced at Sam, he nodded and we three also exited followed by the rest of the soldiers.

Sir Frederick led us to a car and my and James' jaw dropped when we saw it.

Sir Frederick led us to a car and my and James' jaw dropped when we saw it

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A flying car.

After what had just happened earlier today I had thought that nothing would be able to surprise me but now it looks like this cray planet is full of surprises. Sir Frederick opened the gate and we went inside in the back seats. Sam was in one corner, James in other and I was in the middle. When we all setteled ourselves, Sir Frederick went to the driver seat and started the car.

The car started.........flying.

Sam put on a ear phone and started listening to some song, while James and I looked down out of the window. Avalor was really a very beautiful country, we saw that there were many beautiful gardens and fields . It had many hi-tech buildings and towers too and not to mention the other cars which were flying past us. I was just wondering that how did they controlled the traffic in the air when a red light flashed in front of our car and Sir Frederick applied the breaks so sharply that I started to fall forwards.

Oh what the hell! It's gonna hurt.

I thought bitterly closing my eyes ready for the crash.....but it never came. I felt a hand around my waist which stopped me from falling. I regained my posture and looked up to see that it was Sam. He quickly let go of my waist and started looking out of the window, his cheeks very red.

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