Away from Family

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(Victoria's POV)

Ugh! I'm having a very bad headache and my eyes are also feeling so heavy that it's difficult to open them.

Where am I though?

I remember I was at the ball and the- and then the ATTACK!

My eyes flew open and I saw that I was lying on a bed in an old, dusty room. I sat up and looked around. There was one other bed in that room and on it was lying a blood stained unconscious Diana.Suddenly a door opened.

"Ah! good to see that you are awake now Princess Victoria."

"Wh-What exactly happened Professor? Th-that attack an-and...where are the others " I asked as he came in and started giving some injections to Diana.

"Look princess, I can't tell you anything now as your health is very critical. You have just awoken from Coma for God's sake!"He said putting down the injections.

"Really Professor? I don't know about my family's whereabouts when a war is going on and you expect that I will get better soon this stress!"

He sighed,"Alright, we have lost...for now ... I have sent Aurora,Sam,James,Ariana and Dean to earth to find the only way to stop Henry and if they are successful then we may win. I think that they are safe till now or else I would have heard something. You were in coma and there were some other severely injured people whom I've tried to save like Ms.Smith. All the us who are left are in hiding."

"What about dad?" I asked.

He hesitated,"I'm afraid that I can't answer that."

But the grief in his voice gave away the answer and I burst into tears.


On Earth

(Aurora's POV)

I was walking alone in the balcony of the Inn we were staying at when James's voice suddenly startled me.

"Hey Rora"

"Can't sleep?" I asked

"So can't you,"He chuckled,"And I bet that Sam there is also just pretending to be asleep."

"Yeah,how can he sleep when his family is back there?"

"Right, but here you are hiding things from your family."

I looked at him confused, how can he just say that,"James that bloody Dark Lord isn't my-"

"I am not talking about him Rora."He said shaking his head,"I am talking about me, your brother. You are hiding something from me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are aren't telling us something...something when you told us about how Matilda caught you and Henry came back, I had a feeling that you didn't tell us a part,"He said.

I froze, no I can't tell anyone, not yet.

"I-I don't kn-know what you are talking about? I had told you all everything that day."

"Really, Rora? I'm your brother and whether you accept it or not I know when you are hiding something. From that day you have been behaving strange, I didn't say anything cause I thought you will tell us whenever you were ready but now that the things have gotten really changed, I think that it's time you tell us."

"James please try to understand that can't."I pleaded.

"But why not?"


"It's alright Rora," came Sam's voice from behind us,"You will have to tell them one day anyway, do it now and get free."

"Well I guess you are right," I said sighing,"let's get done with this secret then."

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