I trust you with my life.

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(Author's POV)

"Honestly, why are we tagging along such a dirt with us? We all had agreed that his actions were not of a friend." James asked for the the hundredth time.

"Give it a rest James, he may be a traitor but he may come in use," Dean told him,"And besides he's harmless now, very weak to even walk."

Our group was now travelling in a train to reach Chandigarh to get a flight to London (They had been earning money by doing some odd jobs).

James, Dean, Sam and the still unconscious Xavier were in one compartment and the girls were in the other.

"But those wounds can be fake for all we know."

"No, they are real James," Sam replied as he came back from the washroom and before James could interrupt him he added,"Yeah, I know that Henry purposely wounded him so we think of him as a helpless victim, but he wounded him in reality and very brutally to make it look more convincing."

"It makes me feel sick. If Henry does that to his followers then what could he do to his enemies?" Dean said.

"Momma, daddy, HELP! HELP!"

Xavier had gained consciousness and he started to yell in trauma.

"Oh god, someone shut him up or he'll wake up everyone on the train." James said and splashed water from a glass on Xavier's face.

He frowned and looked around with swollen eyes and asked," Wh-where am I?"

Sam tightly pressed his hands on Xavier's jaw and said in venom cold voice," I warn you, no more drama my boy. Am I Understood?"

He nodded his head qickly.

"Now tell us all you know about there."

"M-my grandpa works for the Dark Lord and I'm just one of their pawn. I don't have major details of their plans. Grandpa has raised me after the death of my parents so I had to do whatever he told me and when I found out what I was actually doing, it was too late and too dangerous to back out. Trust me, my only fault in all this is that I'm a coward. I like to show off my skills but in the end I'm nothing, I'm not as brave as you all are, I'm just a pathetic coward."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We'll keep an eye on you no matter how hard you try to convince us. Now tell us what happened to the people there?"

"We-well the Dark Commandos have acquired victory but some rebellions are still hiding, including your sister and Professor Romero." He said

"And what about my father?" Sam asked gaining a little hope from the fact that his sister was still safe.

Xavier went pale, he didn't want to bear the warth of the boys after telling them that. He lowered his head.

Sam's blood froze.

No, it couldn't happen.

"Did you hear me, tell me what happened to my dad! He-he's alright, isn't he?" Sam asked shaking Xavier violently.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.
Sam sat down on his knees, his fists clenched and silent tears rolled down from his eyes blazing with the fire of revenge.

2 weeks later



"What's the matter?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have not been yourself lately. I know that you're hiding something!"

"No, I'm not."

It had been 2 weeks since they arrived in London. The boys had told the girls about what they found out from Xavier except for Garrick's death as Sam didn't want to. They all were trying to find the clues about the next crystal while keeping a very close eye on Xavier.

Now it was a cloudy evening and Aurora and Sam were returning from the city library where they were trying to find some clues.

"Sam please, you know that you can tell me anything" She pleaded taking his hands in hers and looking into his eyes,"Or do you still not trust me?"

They had reached the road crossing.

"It's not that Rora," he said looking down.

The rain started to pour down. she released his hands and turned away looking down.

She sighed,"I get it, you don't trust me. And do you know what is really stressing me? It's seeing you going through some huge turmoil alone."

As she went away crossing the road, a car suddenly came, and as it was about to hit her a strong pairs of arms pulled her into safety.

She looked up and found herself in Sam's grip. Her face just a few inches away from his.

" I trust you with my life," he whispered and kissed her.

Aurora froze . She didn't seem to comprehend what happened there. But soon she was melted by the kiss and and started to kiss back. It was not just a shallow kiss due to some depressing circumstances. This kiss was filled with passion. It was filled with the feelings they had developed for each other while going through the ups and downs of the life together which had been ignored till now.

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